Chappie 15

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Sowwy guys for the late uploads with the chappies! I had problems with the connection in my house sooo yeah, anyways, let's get back to the story!

Third Person POV

In the last chappie, a new student was introduced to the class of Ms. Keene and shocked the whole class after knowing thaf the new student was the youngest brother of the Sazaki brothers. During in class, the belts of Miyako and Kaoru beeped and they had to make some lame excuses to that they could go to the nurses office, and still, Momoko, Kai, Ikuto and Mikoto have not yet returned, but it turns out that Momoko was up on roof, crying. After transformation, they checked to see whobwas causing trouble in the city, it was the RowdyRuff boys! Let's see how they're doing?

"The RowdyRuff boys? C-Could it be?" Bubbles's eyes widened.

"It can't be.." Buttercup said, whispering.

Blossom sniffed before she spoke, "We will have to deal with these bullies..." Blossom said and flew to the city with Bubbles and Buttercup tailing behind her.

??? POV

"Boss, they are on their way to stop another crime, should I follow them?" I asked my boss, who was on the phone.

"Follow them, and we will see how much they developed.." my boss replied.

I then stopped the call and kept my phone.

"The PowerPuff Girls will soon be destroyed." I said and then swiftly follwoed them in an inhuman speed.

Third Person POV

The girls finally landed on the source of trouble.

"Stop!" Blossom yelled.

The RowdyRuffs then looked at the PowerPuffs with lifeless eyes, their eyes were dark red and nothing more.

"Oh look, it's the PowerPuffs~" Butch said with a sly smirk.

'They look very different..' Blossom thought.

"You're right~" a voice said behind Blossom, causing her to freak out.

It was Brick, he then chuckled in a very deep and dark tone.

"Don't be afraid~" Brick said.

"Spinning Yo-Yo!!" Blossom yelled, launching her yo-yo at Brick.

Brick managed to dodge it.

"You have weak attacks.." Brick said.

"Urusai!" Blossom said.

She closed her eyes and inhaled and exhaled.

"A Thousand Yo-Yos!" Blossom yelled as she launched her yo-yo at Brick, then, it multiplied and multiplied until there were a lot of them.

Brick widened his eyes, he couldn't escape the wrath of those yo-yos.

He then got wrapped on the yo-yos, unable to escape.

Blossom, who was just watching, made it into a ball and used her strength to smash it.

The yo-yos were now only one yo-yo.

Bubbles, Buttercup, Butch and Bokmer stared at the scene, wide-eyed.

They went to place where Blossom smashed Brick into a pulp, when they got there, Brick was nowhere to be found.

"Brick's gone.." Boomer said in an emotionless tone.

"Don't worry, he has plan..." Butch whispered.

The girls saw this.

"Hey! What are you guys planning?" Buttercup shouted as she pointed at them.

Blossom looked calm, suddenly, she was kicked in the back so hard, that she was sent flying until she crashed into another building.

Brick was the one who kicked her.

Bubbles and Buttercup looked shock, until, their expression chanhed into anger, even Bubbles was angry too.

"How dare you!" Bubbles yelled, holding her bubble wand close to her.

"She's my counterpart... She's my business, Butch and Boomer are your business..." Brick smirked, pointing at Butch and Boomer, who seemed to be waiting for their assult.

Suddenly, Brick was attacked by a ray of purple light.

Brick barely dodged it and got a few scratches and bruises.

"Purple Ray." A voice said.

They all turned to see the unknown powerpuff/Mystical Butterfly.

"Mysti-chan!" Bubbles exclaimed as a smile was plastered on her face.

"Oh look~ It's the masked powerpuff." Butch said, smirking.

"We knew that you would come out." Boomer smirked.

Mysti didn't say a thing, she just stood there.

"We wanna know what's under that mask of yours~" Brick said as he got up.

"You will never take my mask... Never!" Mysti snapped, she then looked at Bubbled and Buttercup.

"Bring your leader to safety, these jerks are mine to handle.." Mysti said.

Bubbles and Buttercup nodded as they flew to the crash site of Blossom.

Mysti then faced the RRBZ.

"Bring it on.." Mysti said.

To be continued

The End

Yis! Finally! I posted chappie 15! I hope you guyz are happy! Anyways, stay tuned!


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