Chappie 2

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"WHAT?!" they all yelled in unison.

"You can't be serious Professor! I don't want them to be older than me!" Blossom exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Bubbles and Buttercup said in unison.

"I'm sorry girls but this is reality.." Professor said and with that he walked away to continue his experiments.

The girls dropped on the floor in defeat.

"My life is over.." Buttercup faked sobbed.

"Well, I suggest we take the boys back home.." Blossom said, standing up.

They walked over to where the sleeping boys are.

"They look adorable when they sleep..." they all thought.

"Wait? Did I just call them adorable?" They all thought.

Blossom sighed and used her yo-yo again and wrapped it on the boys and flew to Mojo's house.

Time Skip 6:30 a.m




Goes the alarm of Momoko Akatsutsumi, she has been ignoring all of the alarms.

"Candy..." Momoko said in her sleep as she hugged her pillow and bit on it.

"Momoko Akatsutsumi! Wake up this instant!" Her mon yelled from the other side of the door.

Momoko fell off her bed and hit the floor.

"I'm awake!!" She yelled, she then put the alarm on snooze. Her eyes widened and she rushed out of her room. She was frantically preparing for school.

After 10 minutes

Momoko rushed out of her house and ran to where she would meet her two bestfriends, Miyako and Kaoru.

"Took ya long enough!!" Kaoru yelled at the out of breath Momoko.

"Gomenasai..." Momoko said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's okay Momoko, next time be a bit early.." Miyako said and with that they started walking to school.

It wasn't long until they reached the school building.

"Have you heard about the new student?" Momoko asked.

"Nope and I don't care.." Kaoru said.

"Aww don't be like that Kaoru.." Momoko teased as she punched Kaoru's arm jokingly.

"I heard that the new student is the next heir of a company!" Miyako said.

"Hontoni!?" Momoko gasped.

"I'm not sure if it is really real... It might me just rumors.." Miyako said, shrugging.

Then they reached their classroom, just in time too.

"Alright class, settle down.." Ms. Keane said as she motioned the class to sit down.

"Now, as you all now that we were expecting a new student today.." Ms. Keane said and whispers where then followed. "Settle down, I'm not yet finished.... There will be four new students joining us today.." Ms. Keane said and the whole class gasped.

"Come in.." Ms. Keane said with a smile on her face, motioning the new students waiting outside to come in.

First to go in was a boy with auburn hair, who looked familiar to Momoko, followed by a boy with blonde hair, who looked familiar to Miyako, and then followed by a boy with raven black hair, who looked familiar to Kaoru, and lastly came in a girl with silver-white hair with pink streaks at the ends of her hair.

"Now, please introduce yourselves.." Ms Keane said.

"My name is Ikuto Sazaki!" The auburn haired boy said as he winked at the girls, making them squeal.

"Sup! I'm Mikoto Sazaki!" The blonde haired boy said.

"I'm Kai Sazaki, Pleasure to meet you.." The raven haired boy said as he bowed and then winked at the girls again.

"I'm Yumiko SilverHearts.." the girl said monotonusly.

Ms. Keane gasped when she heard the name 'SilverHearts' and so the while class did.

"Does anyone have questions for the new students?" Ms. Keane asked and hands were raised.

"Are you 'the' SilverHearts?" A boy asked, looking at Yumiko.

Yumiko simply nodded.

The whole class gasped again.

"I'm the next heir of the SilverHearts company.." Yumiko said.

When all questions were answered, they sat down, Ikuto sat next to Momoko, Mikoto sat next Miyako, Kai sat next to Kaoru and Yumiko sat next to Ayumi, when they were finally comfortable, classes then resumed.

Momoko's POV

Ugh! History is soo boring! With the capital B! I already learned about the history of our country, I'm not that stupid and boy-crazy girl in the past, I changed, for the sake of myself. My eyes wandered around the room until I landed on the new guy, Ikuto. He kinda looks familiar to me... Hm... He looks really cute though.. And- wait.. Momoko, don't turn into that crazy-boy girl!!!! I shook my head, causing him to turn his attention to me, I blushed a bit. Wait, why am I blushing? This is frustrating!!!

The bell went off, signaling that it was lunch break already, I packed my stuff amd brought out my lunch when I heard someone calling my name, it was Ms. Haruki, the principal of this school. I can also see Miyako and Kaoru were called too. "Yes Ms. Haruno?" We asled in unison. "Girls, I want you to give these fine three gentlemen a tour.." she said, stepping aside and showing the new boys. "A-Alright Ms. Haruno.." we said again in unison as we nervously scratched our necks.

This is gonna be quite a day!

The End!

Finally! Chappie 2 is here! I hope you guys like this!! I promis I'll make Chappie 3 longer! So please be patient with me! Thank you and Sayonara!!


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