79. Nemesis

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Raya wasn't sure how long she sat in the dark for. It could have been hours, or mere minutes.
The party at the wedding seemed a hundred miles away from where she was.
She had been bound, blindfolded and gagged, and all of her knives had been taken from her.
The death eaters had searched her thoroughly, making sure to remove all of her weapons from her. And to Raya's suprise, they had actually succeeded.
After that, she had just been left on her knees, completely at their mercy.

Eventually someone came to escourt her through the maze of corridors before dropping her back on the floor and removing her blindfolded.
Raya had been trained very well by Moody, so she immediately began untying her bonds, so that she could use her hands to escape.
As Raya's eyes adjusted to the lack of light in the room, she pulled down her gag with her now free hands, and she realised she was not alone.

Several death eaters stood behind her and in front of her.
But directly in front of her, stood the man himself; Lord Voldemort. Her nemesis.
Raya had never seen him before, as even Dumbledore hadn't been foolish enough to send a wandless person after the darkest wizard ever, during the first wizarding war.
She had imagined him in her head many times, but in real life he looked far more terrifying than she had feared. However, she tried not to show her emotions, so that she didn't look weak.

But Raya's attention didn't stay on Voldemort for long.
In the corner of the room she saw a timid, fat man, whom she hadn't seen in over 3 years; Peter Pettigrew.
"You!" Screamed Raya.
Without thinking, she pushed herself off the floor and charged at Peter.
She didn't get very far, for Voldemort flicked his wand, sending her crashing back onto the floor.

Raya then jumped to her feet and balled her fists as she faced Voldemort.
"I take it you know who I am" said Voldemort, his cold terrifying voice bouncing around the large room.
"You're Voldemort" spat Raya.
"You should be careful when using my name. Afterall, names have power. Especially now" sneered Voldemort, causing some of his death eaters to smile, for reasons Raya didn't understand.
"Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself. And I am not afraid of you" snapped Raya, as she turned her head to look back at Peter.

"Fascinating. You have been brought before the most powerful, and dangerous dark wizard in existence, and yet, you are more focused on one of my servants" said Voldemort.
"You are just a murderous psycho. You're not that important. But that man over there, betrayed me and everyone I loved, to save his own skin!" Shouted Raya, pointing at Peter.
"He did it under my instructions" reminded Voldemort.
Raya ignored him.
"How could you, Peter? We were your friends, your family, and you betrayed us. You betrayed Lily and Harry, who had never done a thing to you. You got our brother James, killed! You turned your back on the people that loved you!" Screamed Raya, as she ran once again at Peter.

Voldemort sighed, and flicked his wand once more, bringing Raya to her knees in front of him.
"Wormtail is just a cog in a machine. He is nothing. I am the one you should be afraid of. I am the one who is the cause of all your suffering" insisted Voldemort.
"No, you're not. You never would have found the Potters, or the rest of the Order members, if it weren't for Peter. Nor would you have been able to raise from the dead without him. I may hate you, and want you dead. But you are not the person I want to kill most of all. That spot is reserved for Peter. And the second spot is for Snape. You are just a murderer. No more than an executioner. But for me, being betrayed but someone I trusted, is far worse than watching a bad man merely kill someone. Which is why I hate Peter and Snape more than you" revealed Raya.

"So much bravery in such a pathetic human being. If you were a witch, you would be a formidable opponent. Afterall, you are excellent with your knives. So, if you had magic, you would have been a real thorn in my side. But we all know that you are not a witch. You are just a Squib" reminded Voldemort.
Several death eaters gagged at the mention of Raya's non magic status.
"I don't need magic to kill my enemies. I'm sure you are aware that I have killed plenty of your followers throughout the years" replied Raya.

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