48. Troublesome Travels

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With Molly and Raya on speaking terms again, life at Grimmauld Place was a lot more pleasant for everyone.
And when Harry was cleared of all charges by the Wizengamot, everyones spirits lifted.
Even if Harry was a little disappointed that Ron was made a Prefect instead of him.
It was only at the end of the summer holidays that Sirius's mood began to worsen, because he knew the kids would all be returning to school.
Dumbledore had told Sirius that he wasn't allowed to go to King's Cross with the rest of the group, but this time Sirius wasn't going to listen to the headmaster. So, he had decided that he was going to accompany them all as Padfoot.

Raya and Jamie had both stayed the night at Grimmauld Place, so that they could walk with Harry and the Weasleys the following morning.
But in hindsight, Raya wished she'd stayed at home, as it was chaos the next morning. The house was full of shouting, and people running all over the place.
"FILTHY HALF-BREEDS, BESMIRCHING THE HOUSE OF BLACK" yelled Walburga from her portrait.
The twins had bewitched their trunks to fly down the stairs, but they had unfortunately flown into Ginny, and knocked her down several flights of stairs.

"Is Ginny O.K?" Asked Harry, as he made his way downstairs.
"She'll be fine. Molly is patching her up" reassured Raya.
"Does that mean we will be leaving soon?" Questioned Harry.
"I hope so. If we don't leave shortly, we will be late"
"It's a shame we can't take the Weasleys flying car again, if we miss the train, because it's currently roaming the Forbidden Forest"
"I still can't believe you and Ron flew that all the way from here to Scotland in your second year"
"It was fun, but we did get in a lot of trouble for doing it"
"Well, we will all be in trouble if we miss the train".

"Mad-Eye says we can't leave until Sturgis Podmore gets here, otherwise the guard will be one person short" revealed Hermione, as she joined them in the hallway.
"Guard? We have to go to King's Cross with a guard?" Frowned Harry.
"No, you have to go to King's Cross with a guard" corrected Raya.
"Why? I thought Voldemort was supposed to be in hiding. He's not likely to jump out from behind a dustbin and do me in, in broad daylight" admitted Harry.
"I agree with you. But Moody thinks we can't be too careful when moving you. Which is why we need a guard" sighed Raya.

"WILL THE REST OF YOU GET DOWN HERE NOW!" yelled Molly as she appeared in the hallway.
No one had bothered trying to shut her up, as the continuing noise would only disturb her again anyway.
The rest of the kids came thundering down the stairs a moment later, pulling their cases behind them.
Once they were in the hallway, everyone began trying to encourage their pets to get into their cages.

"Leave your trunk and owl here Harry, because Alastor is going to deal with your luggage" informed Molly.
"O.K" replied Harry.
Raya made her way passed all the children towards Jamie, who was placing a rather unimpressed Paddy into his cage.
"All ready to go?" Raya asked Jamie.
"Yep. But Paddy got his black fur all over my jumper... I also kind of wish summer had lasted a little longer, as I like being here with everyone" answered Jamie.
"Me too. But if you all come here for Christmas, then we will have a great time together, just like we did this summer" replied Raya.

It was at this moment that Padfoot appeared, and joined Harry's side.
"Oh for Merlin's sake, Sirius. Dumbledore said no" reminded Molly.
"I don't think there is any use in telling him no, Molly. Besides, he hasn't left the house in months, so I think he should be allowed one day out. Especially as we have half of the Order to guard him" replied Raya.
"Well, on your head be it" mumbled Molly, as she headed for the door.
"It looks like Sturgis isn't going to come, so we will just have to leave, and make do with the guards we've got" continued Molly.
She then ushered everyone outside, before getting them all into formation, and starting the walk towards King's Cross.
Raya thought that her, Molly, Arthur, Moody, and Remus was more than enough people to guard Harry anyway.

"Where's Tonks?" Questioned Harry, as he began to look around for her bright pink hair.
"She's meeting us up ahead, in disguise" answered Molly.
Raya looked down at her watch and groaned, "We're going to have to speed walk if we want to get there in time".
"Blame Moody for that. It's a shame that we couldn't borrow any Ministry cars this year. But Fudge won't let Arthur borrow so much as an empty ink pot these days" sighed Molly.
"Don't worry about it. We will get there before the train leaves, I'm sure" reassured Raya.

Since they were such a large group, it took them 20 minutes to walk to King's Cross, and another couple of minutes to get onto Platform 9 and ¾.
Raya enjoyed being back on the Platform, especially with Sirius by her side, even if he was in dog form.
"Nice dog Harry" shouted a boy who was stood by the twins.
"Thanks Lee" Harry replied.
Padfoot reared up onto his hindlegs, and puts his front paws on Harry's shoulder.
"For heavens sake, act more like a dog, Sirius" hissed Molly.
Harry hugged Padfoot, before allowing him to return to all fours.

"We've got no time for a long goodbye, as the train is about to leave. So, good luck, and have a good year" said Raya, as she hugged Harry and then Jamie.
"Bye mum" replied Jamie.
"I'll see you at Christmas" smiled Raya, as Jamie turned and hopped onto the train.
"Take care Harry. And don't forget to be careful what you put in writing. With the Ministry against us, our letters aren't safe. If in doubt, don't put it in a letter" warned Raya.
"I'll remember" promised Harry, before joining his friends on the train.

Raya then moved over to where the rest of the Order was standing.
"Any trouble Moody?" Questioned Raya.
"None at all" answered Moody.
"Good" replied Raya, as the Hogwarts Express began to leave the station.
"I'll still be reporting Sturgis to Dumbledore though. That's the second time he's not turned up this week. He's getting as unreliable as Mundungus"
"I'm sure there's a good reason for him not turning up"
"Hmm, there had better be".

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