33. Dangerous Dragons

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When the 1st task finally arrived, Raya was a bag of nerves.
She left Sophia with Remus, before using floo powder to get to Hogsmeade.
When she reached the stadium, she found a black shaggy dog waiting for her, with a rope in its mouth.
"Really?" Sighed Raya as she looked a Padfoot.
Padfoot dropped the rope at her feet and barked.
"This is a bad idea" said Raya, as she tied the rope around Padfoot's neck, so that she could use it as a make shift lead.

Raya and Padfoot headed into the stadium to take their seats, and several people stared at them as they passed.
But since she was used to being glared at, Raya ignored the other spectators, and focused on the centre of the stadium, where the tournament would take place.
Ludo Bagman stepped out a few moments later, and explained how the day was going to go, before announcing the first champion; Cedric Diggory.
Raya had to watch in horror as students much older than Harry, narrowly avoided being burned alive multiple times.
All of the champions ended up getting injured and burned. So, by the time it was Harry's turn, Raya was a nervous wreck.
Even having Sirius with her didn't calm her down.

When Harry stepped out to face his dragon, he looked so small and timid compared to the other champions.
Raya had no idea how he was going to reach the golden egg in the centre of the stadium, without being barbecued.
Harry raised his wand, but didn't point it at the dragon, and a moment later his Firebolt broomstick came flying towards him.
Once he'd grabbed his broom, he began flying around the stadium, staying out of reach from the Hungarian Horntail.

"Great Scott, he can fly! Are you watching this, Mr Krum?" Shouted Bagman.
Raya couldn't help but smile, as her godson really was an excellent flier, just like his father.
But this joy didn't last long.
A moment later Harry dodged a fireball and ended up flying straight into the dragon's tail.
The spikes on the tail sliced into Harry's shoulder, making Raya scream in terror.
Harry seemed unperturbed by this, and continued flying towards the eggs.

As Harry soared above the clutch of eggs, he struck out one arm, and took hold of the golden egg in the middle.
He then flew straight down towards the medic tent, while the dragon keepers attempted to subdue the dragon.
"Look at that! Our youngest champion was the quickest to get his egg!" Announced Bagman.
Instead of applauding with the rest of the crowd, Raya took off, and headed to the medical tent, with Padfoot at her heels.
She wanted to make sure that Harry was O.K, and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her.

When she arrived she saw Harry sitting up on a hospital bed, with his feet hanging off the edge, while Madam Pomfrey dabbed a purple liquid onto his wounded shoulder.
"Harry!" Gasped Raya, as she sprinted towards him.
"I'm fine" insisted Harry.
"You gave me a heart attack. Don't ever do that to me again" replied Raya.
"No promises. This tournament is dangerous afterall".
"You'll be alright in a minute, Mr Potter. Just sit still for a bit, before you go and get your score" instructed Madam Pomfrey, before leaving Harry's side to check on Cedric, who had been badly burned facing his own dragon.

"I wasn't sure you were going to come today" admitted Harry.
"Of course I would come to support you. I may not enjoy watching you in peril, but that wouldn't stop me from being here. We are family afterall" replied Raya.
"Is Sophia not with you?" Asked Harry.
"No. I thought all this might be a bit too dangerous for her, so I left her at home with Remus, where she would be safe from deadly dragons"
"Smart idea... I didn't expect Padfoot to be here"
"Neither did I. But he was waiting for me, when I got here".
Padfoot barked before affectionately placing his head on Harry's knee.

The three of them weren't alone for long, as Hermione and Ron soon arrived to congratulate Harry.
"You were brilliant" praised Hermione.
Harry said nothing, and continued staring at Ron.
"Harry... Whoever put your name in the Goblet, I reckon they're trying to do you in" said Ron awkwardly.
"Caught on have you? It took you long enough" replied Harry coldly.
Ron opened his mouth to apologise for his recent behaviour, but Harry stopped him, realising that he didn't need to hear it.
"It's O.K. Forget it" continued Harry.

"No. I shouldn't have-" started Ron.
"Forget it" interupted Harry, as he got down off the bed.
Hermione sighed loudly, "You two are so stupid".
"Yeah. Barking" grinned Ron, as he looked down at Padfoot.
A second later the three best friends all hugged each other tight.
"Now that you're all best friends again, it's time you got your score from the judges" instructed Raya.
"After the day I've had, I honestly don't care what they give me. They could all give me zeros, for all I care" admitted Harry.
"Well, let's find out anyway" replied Raya.

The four of them, plus Padfoot, all stepped out of the medical tent, and back into the stadium.
The judges then lifted their wands into the air, revealing the scores they were giving Harry.
Madame Maxime gave Harry an 8, Barty Crouch gave him a 9, Dumbledore also gave a 9, and Ludo Bagman even gave him a 10. But Karkaroff only gave Harry a 4.
"Four! You lousy biased scumbag, you gave Krum a Ten!" Shouted Ron.
"Like I said Ron, I don't care. I'm alive, and you're my best friend again. That's all that matters" insisted Harry.

"They want you in the champions tent now" said Raya, as she pointed to Bagman, who was waving all the champions towards him.
"O.K. You're not going to leave yet though, are you?" Asked Harry.
"Since I'm up here, I might as well stick around, to hang out with two of my favourite people" answered Raya, as she placed her hand onto Padfoot's head.
"Good. We don't have any lessons today. So, once I've spoken to Bagman, you and I can hang out all day, with Padfoot"
"Since I'm pretty sure he wants to talk to you, why don't we meet in the caves outside Hogsmeade, so we can talk in private?"
"Sounds like a plan"
"Alright, I'll see you then".

The Squib and the Werewolf (book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant