28. Chaos At Quidditch

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The Quidditch final was just as spectacular as Raya had hoped.
In the end, Viktor Krum caught the Snitch for Bulgaria, but Ireland won the match, because their Chasers were unbeatable and had scored so many goals.
Raya and Jamie stayed up late talking about their favourite parts of the game, before eventually calling it a night some time after Midnight.
They hadn't been asleep long, when loud explosions and screams, bolted them awake.
"Jamie!" Shouted Raya, as she ran through the tent to find her son.
"I'm here. What's going on?" Asked Jamie, as he rubbed his head, which was sore, as he had just fallen out of his bunk bed.
"I don't know" answered Raya honestly.

Raya took hold of Jamie's hand, and the two edged their way to the front of the tent.
They pulled back the tent flaps, and peaked outside, to see what chaos had ensued.
People were running and screaming in all directions, and several fires had been started.
At the far end of the campsite, they could see a group of people hanging upside down in the air.
There was a large crowd of figures in long black robes standing beneath those in the air, and they had their wands raised at those above them.

"Isn't that the Muggle family who own the campsite?" Questioned Jamie nervously.
"I think so" mumbled Raya.
Her eyes were not on the unfortunate Muggles, but on those performing the magic beneath them.
She recognised the robes and the masks they were wearing. And it filled her with fear and anger.
"Mum, are you O.K?" Asked Jamie, as he looked at Raya who was as white as a sheet.
"Those people, harassing the Muggles, they are death esters" revealed Raya.
"Are you sure?" Quizzed Jamie.
"After fighting a losing battle so many times, you never forget your opponents. They must have got drunk after the match ended, and decided to go on a rampage, to remind us all that they are still at large".

Raya headed back inside the tent and picked up her belt of knives, which she attached to her waist over her pyjamas.
"What are you doing?" Demanded Jamie, as Raya headed back outside.
"Someone has to stop them" answered Raya coldly.
"I don't disagree. But that someone should not be you. You can leave it to the aurors and Ministry officials. You have no magic, so there is nothing you can do to stop the death eaters" reminded Jamie.
"How many times have I told you, that you don't need magic to make a difference? I fought in the first wizarding war, without a wand, and I came out in one piece. There are many ways of fighting, that don't involve magic. And I can help those Muggles, even though I am just a Squib. A proud Gryffindor, does not sit back like a coward, while innocent people suffer".

"Are you just going to leave me to look after myself, while you run off into harms way?" Asked Jamie.
"This tent will protect you. Like the Potter Manor, it will keep you safe and not let anyone dangerous in. It's also spell proof, so you've got nothing to worry about" reassured Raya.
"I don't care if the tent is nuclear bomb proof. I'm not going to let you go out there by yourself, while I hide in here" informed Jamie defiantly.
"I do not need your permission, to save those people. You are my son, so you do as I say. And I want you to stay here!"
"Where you go, I go. And if you are going out there, then so am I"
"God, you are so stubborn"
"Yeah, I wonder where I get that from"
"Fine. Go and get your wand, and come with me. But you had better stick to my side, and do exactly as I say"
"I promise".

Once Jamie had grabbed his wand, the two of them charged into the chaos outside the tent.
Raya kept one hand around Jamie's wrist, as she didn't want to lose him in the riot. And her other hand was holding on tightly to one of her knives.
People were screaming and panicking, but Raya wasn't, for she was a woman on a mission.
While the general public ran and hid, Raya and her friends always did everything they could to protect them, even laying down their lives to keep everyone safe.
Raya had been trained by Alastor Moody himself, and she had grown up in a war where running into a danger was second nature, so she wasn't scared.
She just hadn't expected to be bringing her 12 year old son into battle with her.

When Raya and Jamie were just a few feet from the death eaters, a green light suddenly filled the sky.
Raya froze as she looked up at the dark mark for the first time in nearly 13 years.
She stared at it in fear, and it made her feel just like a teenager again.
"Mum, what is it? What's wrong?" Questioned Jamie.
Raya said nothing, and continued staring at the green snake and skull in the air.
She had seen it so many times during the first wizarding war, at the scene of numerous crimes.
Every time she saw it in the past, someone had been found dead, and she just prayed that history wasn't about to repeat itself.

"Mum what's going- Look, the death eaters are disapparating" pointed Jamie.
Raya took her eyes off the sky, and looked down at the death eaters, as they disappeared one by one.
The Muggle family fell to the ground, once they were no longer being levitated by death eaters, but luckily Ministry officials were there to catch them.
Raya snapped out of her trance and began to assess the situation and think about what she could do to help.
Her eyes scanned the campsite for injured people, which is when she caught sight of Harry and his friends exiting the forest at the edge of the campsite, accompanied by Arthur Weasley.
"Harry" mumbled Raya, as she began dragging Jamie away from the scene of the crime, and towards Harry.

Raya let go of Jamie and threw herself into Harry's arms when she reached him, not caring that there were several people watching them.
"Thank Merlin you're alright" sighed Raya, as she released Harry.
"I'm fine. Amos Diggory tried to arrest me just now, but other than that, I'm O.K" informed Harry.
Raya frowned, "Why did Amos try to arrest you".
"He thought I conjured that" explained Harry, as he pointed to the dark mark in the sky.
"That's stupid. Why on earth did he think you would do something like that?"
"He found my wand beneath the mark, which I had lost earlier today"
"O.K, that makes more sense. But he should have known that you were not capable of conjuring the dark mark. You're a kid. Not to mention, the famous boy who lived, who defeated Voldemort all those years ago".

"Is no one going to tell us what is going on? What is all the fuss about? And why did we nearly get Stunned by a dozen Ministry officials, for being near a smokey snake in the sky?" Questioned Ron.
"That's the dark mark, Ron. It was used during the war, by Voldemort and his death eaters" explained Hermione.
"Yeah, but why is everyone panicking about it?" Asked Ron.
"You're too young to understand. You've got no idea what it was like during the first wizarding war" answered Raya.
"She's right, you cannot even begin to understand the fear that the dark mark brings to us all" agreed Arthur Weasley.

"I get that it's You-Know-Who's mark, but like what's so scary about it? It can't actually hurt anyone, right?" Quizzed Ron.
"Look, you've got no idea what it was like back then. You don't know what it's like to be constantly on edge, and terrified that you aren't going to live to see tomorrow. You cannot begin to understand how horrible it was, to go to funeral, after funeral, wondering about who would be Voldemort's next victim... Death eaters used to place the dark mark into the sky, after they had murdered someone. It was everyones worst fear, coming home and seeing that above their home, not knowing who inside had been killed. Suddenly seeing the dark mark in the air tonight, brought back everyone's fears from the war... I for one, never thought I would have to see that dreaded thing again" admitted Raya.

"You're always so brave mum, but when you saw that thing in the sky, you looked properly scared" Jamie said quietly.
"I saw a lot of friends die during the war. And I entered several houses with the dark mark over them, finding dead bodies inside. So, seeing the dark mark again, was a bit of a shock" replied Raya.
"I think everyone was a bit more than shocked when they saw it" admitted Harry.
"Even the death eaters fled when they saw it" added Jamie.
"Well, they defied their precious dark lord to stay out of Azkaban, so I don't expect they would want to come face to face with their old master. They betrayed him and many other loyal death eaters, to keep their own hands clean. They were probably just as scared as we were to see the dark mark" replied Raya coldly.

"After such a terrifying ordeal, I need to safely get the children back to the tent, and make sure that the rest of my kids are O.K" announced Arthur.
"I'd prefer it if my godson came with me, so that I can keep him safe. But since I know that isn't going to happen, I will allow him to go with you, as it does look like the crisis has been averted, at least for now. And I'm not in the mood to fight you right now, over who gets to watch over Harry" replied Raya.
"I'm glad to hear it" muttered Arthur.

"Write to me" whispered Harry, as he hugged Raya goodbye.
"I will. And I will visit you before you go back to Hogwarts, I promise. Just don't do anything foolish or dangerous before then" instructed Raya, as she let him go.
"After all the excitement tonight, I just want a calm and chill summer"
"Good. Take care then Harry"
"You too".

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