19. Full Moon

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Remus and Ron tied themselves to Peter, to stop him escaping as they made their way to Hogwarts, and Hermione had to help Ron walk due to his damaged leg.
Sirius took charge of floating Snape's unconscious body through the tunnel, making no attempt to stop Snape from hitting his head on the ceiling.
Harry was in front beside Sirius and Raya, as it was clear that he wanted to spend time with them.
"I wish I had believed you earlier, when you said that there were things I didn't know about what happened all those years ago. But I was too angry to listen, because I was so certain that Sirius was the reason I had no parents" admitted Harry guiltily.
"It's not your fault, you had no reason to trust me back then, as the whole world thinks I'm a liar, and I was just a stranger to you" replied Raya.

"I should've listened to my heart and known that you knew the truth" sighed Harry.
"I don't blame you for acting the way you did. And I'm not angry with you, so stop hating yourself" instructed Raya.
"I've been a terrible godson. I didn't even send you a Christmas present, despite the fact that you sent me one" replied Harry.
"I'm your godparent, it's my responsibility to look after you no matter what. It's not your job to look after me, for I'm the adult. Im the one who is supposed to send you gifts, not the other way around"
"From now on though, now that I know the truth, I will be a better godson"
"You don't need to be better, for you are perfect just the way you are. Provided you don't beat up my son again because of who his dad is"
"God, I'm such an idiot"
"Maybe, but you're our idiot".

"Raya's right. And since we are technically your guardians, I was wondering about whether or not you would like to live with us?" Asked Sirius quietly.
"Leave the Dursley's?" Gasped Harry.
"Of course, I can understand if you don't want to-"
"Have you got a house? When I can move in? Of course I want to leave the Dursley's, they hate me and locked me in a cupboard for half my life"
"Well then, once my name is cleared, you can come and live with us. And we will be a proper family".

"As long as you don't mind sharing the house with a baby" smiled Raya, as she shuffled Sophia, who was sleeping in her arms, into a more comfortable position.
"I'm sure I could cope with that" admitted Harry.
"Well, the house is big enough for us all to share, without getting under each others feet. And it is about time you saw the Potter Manor, as it is your ancestral home. It should've gone to you, but James and your grandparents insisted that I took the house instead. I can't wait for you to see it" replied Raya.
"Neither can I".

Raya pressed the knot on the Whomping Willow, immobilising the tree, so that they could all exit the tunnel without getting bashed.
It was only when Raya stepped away from the tree, that she remembered that it was a full moon.
She quickly looked at the sky and then to Remus, who had gone rigid.
"Merlin's beard. Remus hasn't taken his potion tonight!" Announced Raya.
"Run!" Sirius shouted at the children.

But Harry didn't move an inch, as his best friend was tied to the same handcuff as Remus and Peter.
Raya watched in horror as Remus's body grew, transforming into a giant werewolf.
Remus broke free of the chain around his wrist with ease. But before he could attack anyone, Sirius turned into Padfoot, and dragged Remus away by the scruff of his neck.
Sophia began to cry as the animals growled and howled during their fight.
Raya felt her heartbeat quicken as the wolf and the dog fought, as she didn't want either of them to get hurt.

She was so transfixed in watching the fight, that she didn't notice Peter reaching for Remus's fallen wand, until it was too late.
"No!" Screamed Raya, as Peter Stunned Ron and then Crookshanks.
"Expelliarmus!" Yelled Harry, causing the wand to fly out of Peter's hand.
But it was too late, for Peter had already transformed into Wormtail.
After so many years of dreaming about revenge, Raya could not let Peter get away.
She took off after him, leaving everyone behind, as Peter was the only thing on her mind.
Without Peter, she couldn't clear Sirius's name, so it was imperative that she found him.

After several minutes of scrabbling around in the dark, with a crying baby, Raya realised she would have to abandon her search. Peter was long gone, and without a wand, she had no hope of finding him.
The sound of screams coming from the lake, brought Raya back to the present, and reminded her that there were other lives at stake.
She ran towards the screams, and saw Hermione, Harry and Sirius being attacked by Dementors.
Without any magic, Raya could do nothing to save them.
But there was one person who could.

Raya ran back to the Whomping Willow where Ron, Crookshanks and Severus were unconscious.
Since Ron was Stunned, Raya knew she wouldn't be able to wake him up, without magic.
But since Snape had only hit his head, she prayed that she could bring him around.
"Severus! SEVERUS!" shouted Raya, as she began to desperately shake Snape.
"Come on! Wake up!" She screamed.

Snape groaned before groggily opening his eyes.
"What happened?" Questioned Snape, as he pushed himself into a sitting position.
"Long story, I'll explain later. But right now there are a bunch of Dementors trying to kill us all. If you don't stop them they are going to suck out Sirius's soul. And I know you don't care about him, but I do. He is my husband and I love him. I can't live without him, but since I'm a Squib there is nothing I can do to save him. Harry and Hermione are also down there, and you are the only one who can help them" revealed Raya.
"Where's my wand?" Asked Snape as he stood to his feet and began running down the hill towards the lake.
"In your left breast pocket" answered Raya as she ran after him.

When they reached the lake they suddenly saw the Dementors retreating.
"That's strange. What could've scared them off?" Quizzed Raya.
"I don't know" answered Snape.
Raya looked away from the retreating Dementors and stared at Sirius, who was lying unconscious on the floor, covered in blood.
"Sirius! Please don't be dead" begged Raya, as she dropped to her knees.
She sighed in relief when she found a pulse, "Thank Merlin".
"These two are fine as well, just unconscious" informed Snape, as he checked on Harry and Hermione.
"I'm so glad they are all safe" replied Raya.

Snape quickly flicked his wand, binding Sirius in chains, before turning his wand on Raya.
"What are you doing?" Frowned Raya.
"Taking this criminal up to the castle, so that he can get what he deserves" answered Snape coldly.
"Sirius is innocent. Peter is the traitor, not him. He escaped when Remus transformed into a wolf. But he was the one who betrayed the Potters" insisted Raya.
"Spare me your lies, for I haven't time to listen to them, as I need to get the children to Madam Pomfrey".

Snape conjured stretchers for Hermione and Harry, before turning his wand back to Raya.
"I will let you go, as you are right, I do owe you a life debt, and I do not wish for your children to become orphans" sighed Snape.
"I am not going to let you do this. I'm coming with you. Maybe when Harry comes around, he will be able to convince Dumbledore that Sirius has been innocent all along" replied Raya.
"Come if you wish, I won't stop you, so long as you don't get in my way"
"Fine. But you had better conjure a stretcher for Ron as well when we get back to the Whomping Willow, for Peter knocked him unconscious before fleeing like a coward"
"Whatever you say".

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