18. Justice

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Raya, Sirius, and Remus all took it in turns to tell the children everything that had happened in the past.
They revealed the truth about their Squib, werewolf, and animagus secrets.
And then they explained that the secret keeper protecting the Potters, had be changed from Sirius to Peter.
"But, there is only one way to prove that we aren't lying, and that is to show you Peter Pettigrew" announced Sirius.
He then strode across the room and pulled the squealing rat out of Ron's hands.
Raya placed a sleeping Sophia onto the bed, so that she could have both hands free. And then she made her way over to Sirius.

"Together?" Remus asked Sirius.
The boys nodded and pointed their wands at the rat.
A blue light erupted from their wands, and the rat began to grow until he had finished turning into a short fat man.
"Peter" murmered Raya.
For so many years she had pictured seeing the man who had betrayed her friends and family. She had imagined all the things she would do to the traitor. And now, he finally stood before her.
"Remus... Sirius... Raya... My old friends" stuttered Peter.

Sirius raised his wand, but Remus took hold of his wrist, before shaking his head.
"Not yet" hissed Remus.
"Why not? We've been waiting 12 years for this moment. And I'm not going to let the traitor escape again" announced Raya, as she gripped her knife tightly.
"I want to talk to Peter first, about why he did, what he did" replied Remus.
"Fine. But make it quick" sighed Raya.

"Hello Peter" said Remus.
"Remus, you've got to help me. Sirius wants to try and kill me again. I knew he'd escape prison, which is why I've stayed in hiding for so long" lied Peter.
"You knew Sirius would escape Azkaban, even though no one has ever done that before" frowned Remus.
"I was sure that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had taught him a few tricks".
"Voldemort, teach me tricks!" Snapped Sirius.
Peter shuddered.
"What, scared of your old masters name? I don't blame you, Peter, his lot aren't very happy with you. You haven't been hiding from me for 12 years, you've been hiding from Voldemort's supporters, the ones who never got arrested. Voldemort met his downfall at your hands, since you told him where the Potters were. So, if the death eaters ever got wind that you were alive, they are sure to torture you before killing you in a very painful way" continued Sirius.

"I must say Peter, that it is hard to understand why an innocent man would want to spend 12 years as a rat" admitted Remus.
"Innocent, but scared" insisted Peter.
"You are the least innocent person in this room! Don't forget, that I was there that night when you killed all those Muggles, before cutting off your finger and running away down into the sewer!" Snapped Raya.
"If Sirius wasn't the traitor, then how did he escspe Azkaban without using dark magic?" Questioned Peter.
"I saw an article in the paper, that had you on it. And when I saw that you were at Hogwarts, where Jamie and Harry were, I knew I had to escape, so that I could protect them from you. That passion to find you, fuelled me like wood on a fire. I turned into Padfoot one night and snuck out through the prison bars before swimming to shore" answered Sirius.

Sirius looked over at Harry, "Please believe me, Harry. I loved your parents and never would have done anything to hurt them. I never betrayed James. I would have died rather than betray them" continued Sirius.
"I believe you" replied Harry.
"No!" Screamed Peter.
Raya couldn't help but smile.
After so much time, finally both Remus and Harry believed that Sirius was innocent.
"So, shall we kill him together?" Suggested Remus, as he looked over at Sirius.
"Yes" agreed Sirius.

Peter threw himself at Harry's feet, "Harry, you look so much like your father, like James. He wouldn't have wanted me dead. He would have shown me mercy".
"How dare you speak to Harry! How dare you talk about James in front of him!" Screamed Sirius.
"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, do you deny it?" Demanded Remus.
Peter began to cry, "I didn't mean to".
"Don't lie! You'd been passing information to Voldemort for months, before you betrayed James and Lily. You handed over so many of our friends to Voldemort; Dorcas, Marlene, Benjy, Edgar, and so many others" spat Raya.

"I never meant to hurt anyone. He was taking over everywhere. What was to be gained by refusing him?" Asked Peter.
"Only dozens of innocent lives" answered Sirius.
"You don't understand what it was like. He would have killed me" sobbed Peter.
"Then you should have died! As we would have done for you!"
"It wasn't my fault. You all turned on me after that mission, where I failed to help Raya. I had no one else to turn to, no one to protect me"
"Don't use us as an excuse as to why you joined Voldemort!".

Raya stepped past Sirius and looked down at Peter.
"I could have forgiven you Peter. You were scared for your own life, I understand that. You were just trying to stay alive. So, in time, I could have forgiven you for betraying our friends. But what I can never forgive, is that you placed the blame onto Sirius. You got my husband arrested, because you were too scared to face the consequences of your actions. You took everything from me, because you were a coward" said Raya coldly.
"I was scared of going to Azkaban" mumbled Peter.

"You made me raise my child alone! You sent the person I love most, to prison. You made the whole world think that Sirius was the traitor. Me and Jamie have been spat on in the streets, because people think we are related to a criminal. No one would hire me, because of your actions. Jamie has had a hard time at Hogwarts, because of you. Our lives were ruined, because you didn't take the fall for your own actions. You were our friend Peter. The five of us did everything together. We were like a family. How could you turn your back on us, like we never meant anything to you? How could you destroy our lives like that, and then just run away, leaving us behind to clear up your mess? You took everything from me, just to save your own skin!" Shouted Raya angrily.
"I'm sorry" apologised Peter.

"You should have known Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you, then we would, together" informed Sirius, as him and Remus raised their wands in unison.
"No! You can't kill him" interceded Harry.
"Harry, this piece of vermin is the reason you have no parents. This cringing bit of filth would have seen you die, without batting an eyelid. You heard him. His own stinking life mattered more to him than your entire family" reminded Sirius.

"I know. But we can take him up to the castle, and hand him over to the Dementors. He can go to Azkaban and pay for what he did. If anyone deserves Azkaban, it's him. Just don't kill him" pleaded Harry.
"I think if anyone has the right to decide what happens to him, it's you" sighed Sirius, as him and Remus lowered their wands.
"Thank you Harry, thank you" said Peter.
"I'm not doing this for you. I just don't think my dad would want his best friends to become killers, just for you" admitted Harry.

"No, we cannot let him get away with it" insisted Raya, as she raised her knife.
"It's Harry's call, as his parents were the ones Peter got killed" replied Remus, as he tried to push Raya away from Peter.
"We are the adults, it's up to us to decide Peter's fate, not Harry. Peter betrayed our friends, and got so many people we know killed. He doesn't deserve to live. He ruined our lives" reminded Raya.
Sirius took hold of Raya's hand, and extracted the knife from her grip.
"I know. And I'm the one he put in prison for 12 years. But I still think Harry is right, about James not wanting us to become murderers" admitted Sirius.

"So, you're really O.K with not getting revenge, even though we've been planning this for so long?" Questioned Raya.
"If he goes back to Azkaban in my place, and suffers like I did in there, then that is all the justice I need" answered Sirius.
"Fine, let's get out of here and hand this low life over to the Dementors then. So, that we can finally move on with our lives" sighed Raya, before taking her knife back from Sirius, and placing it in her belt where it belonged.

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