63. A Large Threat

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Raya didn't leave the house until it was time to pick the boys up at King's Cross.
But this year, Raya wasn't going alone, as several members of the Order of the Phoenix were accompanying her. Tonks, Remus, and Moody were all going to go with her.
She was rather scared to be going out in public, when so many death eaters were still on the loose. But Remus stayed by her side every step of the way.
The Weasleys were also at the platform with Sophia, when Raya arrived. And so were Fred and George, who had ditched school a few months earlier, because of Umbridge, to start their own business.

After an anxious wait, Raya saw her boys making their way towards her, pulling their luggage behind them.
She embraced them both at the same time, glad to have them back in her arms.
"Hi mum. Where's Sophia?" Questioned Jamie, when he noticed the absence of his sisters pushchair.
"Don't worry, she's with Molly, who's over there, standing with the rest of the Order, who are trying to blend in with the Muggles around us" answered Raya, as she pointed across the station.
"Why is she with Mrs Weasley? What have you done?" Frowned Jamie.
"Nothing drastic, I can assure you. I haven't given up my daughter. I've just hired Molly as a temporary, full-time nanny, until I am feeling well enough to look after Sophia again".

"Have you been unwell then?" Asked Harry.
"Well, I haven't been the best, let's just put it that way. And this is the first time I've left 12 Grimmauld Place since Sirius died" revealed Raya.
"Even so, mum, you shouldn't have just handed Sophia over to Molly" replied Jamie.
"It was you who gave me the idea in the first place. You pointed out that I hadn't been a good mother to her. Which made me realise that I needed to put Sophia's needs before my own. And until I can give her what she needs, she will be staying with someone I trust. Don't worry though, she will be back with me by Christmas at the very latest, as that was the agreement me and Molly came to" informed Raya.

"Why are the Order here?" Quizzed Harry curiously.
"They are here to keep an eye on me, to make sure I don't do anything drastic. They're also here so that we can all pay a little visit to your aunt and uncle" answered Raya.
"Is that a good idea?" Sighed Harry.
"I think so. I don't want them forgetting that you aren't to be harmed in any way while you are staying with them. You have had an awful year, and I don't want them making it worse. But Dumbledore has promised me that you only have to stay with the Dursleys for a few weeks. Then you can move into the Burrow for the rest of the holidays".

"You've spoken to Dumbledore" said Jamie, raising an eyebrow.
"Not exactly. He tried to talk to me, but I threw a knife at him, which put him off trying again. I haven't seen him since. But he has passed messages onto me through other people like Molly or Moody. People that I trust and actually like" admitted Raya.
"You threw a knife at Dumbledore!" Gasped Jamie.
"I threw it at the door, narrowly missing his head. I didn't actually throw it at him. The knife was merely a warning, telling him to get out of my room and leave me alone... I know I can't put him off forever though, eventually I will have to talk to him again".

"Well, it is hard for you to avoid him, since me and Harry are both at Hogwarts, where Dumbledore is headmaster" reminded Jamie.
"When I mean I need to talk with Dumbledore, I don't just mean a normal chat. He will want to discuss my involvement in the Order. That is the talk I have been avoiding. With Voldemort officially back and creating mass panic again, Dumbledore will want to send us all out on missions, just like he did last time" explained Raya.
"You can say no to him, right?" Questioned Jamie, hopefully.
"For now. But I don't know how long I can hold him off for... Anyway, let's go and join the Weasleys".

Raya headed over to where the Order was stood, and kissed Sophia softly on the head.
"How's she been?" Raya asked Molly.
"She's been an angel. Nowhere near as bad as mine were at that age" answered Molly.
"That's good to hear" replied Raya.
"What are they supposed to be?" Asked Ron, as he looked enviously at Fred and George's matching green jackets.
"Finest dragonskin, little bro. Business is booming" answered Fred.
"I look forward to dropping by soon" informed Raya, who was anxious to visit the twins new joke shop in Diagon Alley.
"And we look forward to giving you the grand tour" beamed George.

"Come on, let's get this over with" announced Moody.
The group then headed over to the three nervous looking Dursleys.
Harry's cousin Dudley immediately hid behind his mother when he saw them approaching.
"You again" frowned Vernon, when he recognised Raya.
"Yes, me again. And I brought some friends along with me this time, to drive the message home. My godson has had a tough year, and I will not have you making it worse" informed Raya.
"Yes, we'd like to have a few words with you, about how Harry is treated at your place" added Remus.
"I am not aware that that is any of your business" replied Vernon sternly.
"I expect that what you're not aware of, could fill several books, Dursley" growled Moody.

"The point is, that if we hear you have been horrible to Harry, there will be trouble" warned Raya.
"She's right. If we get any hint that Potter's been mistreated in any way, you'll have us to answer to" threatened Moody.
"Are you threatening me, sir?" Questioned Vernon loudly.
"Yes, I am" answered Moody calmly.
"And do I look like the kind of man that can be intimidated?"
"Yes, I think that you do".
Moody then pushed up his bowler hat, revealing his revolving magical eye.
Vernon gasped and jumped backwards, colliding with a luggage trolley.

"So, Potter, give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along to check on you" informed Moody.
"Alright" replied Harry.
Petunia shuddered at the thought of any of the magical people in front of her, turning up at her house, and embarrassing her in front of the neighbours. To Raya's suprise, Petunia looked more offended by the bright colour of Tonks's hair, than the distinct facial scars on Raya and Remus's faces.

Raya was pleased to see Moody, her mentor, sticking up for Harry.
It was something Dumbledore had never done.
He'd left Harry in an abusive household, instead of with people who loved him.
And it was up to those in the Order to protect Harry from any further mistreatment.
All Dumbledore cared about was raising the Chosen One, so that he could kill Voldemort one day. He didn't care about Harry's actual well-being, and that greatly angered Raya.

Raya hugged Harry tight, "I'll see you soon".
"You'd better" replied Harry, before heading off out of the train station with the Dursleys.
Raya then said goodbye to Sophia, before leaving King's Cross with Jamie and Remus by her side.
"Where are we headed? Back to Grimmauld Place?" Asked Remus.
Raya shook her head, "No. I think it's time we went home".
"Let's hope the Potter Manor hasn't collected too much dust in our absence" replied Remus.
"After intensely cleaning 12 Grimmauld Place last year, I'm sure we can handle a little dust... Come on you two, let's go home".

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