30. Train Talks

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To improve Jamie's mood, Raya decided to treat him to his very own pet.
She even bought them a family owl, now that they could afford to have one, and this saved them from having to go to the owl post office every time they wanted to send a letter.
Jamie decided that he didn't want his own owl, as he wanted to be different to Harry. Which is why he chose to adopt a cat instead.
Raya didn't mind what pet he had, as long as it wasn't a rat, as she had issues with that animal, since it was Peter's animagus form.
Jamie picked a black cat with thick fur, which he named Paddy, after his dad's nickname Padfoot.

Raya visited Harry several times during the rest of the holidays, but never took Jamie with her, as she didn't want him to get jealous of her bond with Harry.
When the holidays ended, Remus was still unemployed, as getting a job had become virtually impossible for him, since his werewolf status had become public knowledge. Which was something Raya was still very angry at Snape for.
But since Remus didn't have a job, he was able to accompany his sister and the kids to Platform 9 and 3/4, on the 1st of September.

"Stay safe this year, since you won't have Remus to protect you" instructed Raya.
"Don't worry mum, I will" promised Jamie.
Raya hugged him tight, "But don't forget to have fun as well".
"I'll try" replied Jamie.
"I don't want to hear about you getting into any fights. But hopefully since your father isn't on the front of the paper every day anymore, your classmates will give you an easier time"
"I hope so too".

Jamie let go of Raya and hugged Remus.
"Take care little man" whispered Remus.
"Will do" replied Jamie, before releasing Remus, and making his way onto the train.
"He seems so lonely" Raya said sadly.
"He's just a Ravenclaw. They don't seek out large friendship groups like us Gryffindors" reminded Remus.
"But you and the other Marauders were already best friends by the end of your first year. You all alighted the train together, at the start of your second year. You four always sat together on the train rides to and from Hogwarts. But I've got no idea who Jamie is sitting with".

"I'm sure he will sit in a compartment with the other boys he shares a bedroom with" reassured Remus.
"How can you be so sure?" Questioned Raya.
"Because Jamie is a good boy, and a nice person. He isn't bold enough to do anything that would make someone dislike him. Which means he can blend into the background, and go unnoticed. His roommates will probably allow him to sit with them, as he doesn't start fights or cause any problems, and he fits into the Ravenclaw stereotype as he loves reading" replied Remus.
"I hope you're right. Because I hate the idea of him sitting alone"
"He won't be alone. He has that friend, Alexander"
"One friend, isn't enough to get you through Hogwarts".

"This will cheer you up. Look who has just arrived" said Remus, as he pointed behind Raya.
She spun around and smiled as she saw all the Weasleys arriving onto the platform, accompanied by Harry.
Raya left Sophia's pram with Remus, before heading over to greet her godson.
"Hello there, 4th year" grinned Raya, before hugging Harry.
"Hiya. I can't quite believe I'm a 4th year already" admitted Harry as he released Raya.
"I told you that your time at Hogwarts would go quickly. And to be honest, it's a miracle you made it this far, as someone does try and kill you every year" reminded Raya.

"I'm hoping that this time, I can get through a whole school year, without someone trying to attack me" sighed Harry.
"You're the famous boy who lived, so I don't think you will ever get an easy, peaceful year at Hogwarts. But I think my heart and my sanity, would prefer it, if you stayed out of danger this year" replied Raya.
"I'd like that as well, but trouble always has a way of finding me"
"I fear that you may be right"
"I will do my best to have a normal year though".

"That is good to hear... But you were very nearly late today. Jamie is already on the train, and if you were any later, you wouldn't have got to Hogwarts at all this year" admitted Raya.
"Well, it's not easy trying to get half a dozen people into Muggle taxis, along with a bunch of pets and suitcases" replied Harry.
"No, I don't suppose you've had a peaceful morning. I'm just glad that both me and Remus can drive, as it makes things a lot easier. It's one of the only good things about being a half-blood" informed Raya.
"I do find it weird that wizards don't drive... Another reason we were late today was because Amos Diggory's head appeared in the fireplace this morning to talk to the Weasleys".

"That is a good method of wizard communication. Not as fast as a telephone, but it is effective. What did Amos want?" Asked Raya.
"He wanted Mr Weasley to go and help someone named Moody" answered Harry.
Raya's eyes widened, "Alastor Moody? Is he alright?".
"I think so. Apparently he heard an intruder last night, and set his dustbins on them. It caused quite a disturbance, and policemen were called to deal with it. Mr Diggory wanted Mr Weasley to go there and sort everything out, so that Moody didn't get into any trouble" revealed Harry.
"I hope Moody is O.K".

"Do you know him then?" Quizzed Harry.
"I did know him, back when he was still an auror. He was my mentor, and he kind of took me under his wing. He trained me himself, so that I could be of more help on missions, during the war. It's thanks to him that I survived" explained Raya.
"Why do you say all this in the past tense? Are you not in contact with him anymore?" Questioned Harry.
"I lost contact with everyone when Sirius was thrown in Azkaban. People thought I was also a traitor, so didn't want anything to do with me. I lost contact with all of my surviving friends, including Alastor Moody. They all turned their backs on me".

"But that's not fair. You didn't do anything wrong" insisted Harry.
"They didn't know the truth, so their reactions were to be expected. I mean, you attacked Jamie and tried to kill Sirius, when you thought he had betrayed your parents. So, you can understand why no one wanted to be seen with me, a suspected traitor... Anyway, Moody has been retired for quite some time now. Some say he has become extremely paranoid, attacking anything and anyone that gets too close to his house. After everything we went through during the war, his paranoia is to be expected. He was the one in charge of organising most of our missons. So, every time one went wrong, and someone died, he took it all personally, and blamed himself for what happened" revealed Raya.

A whistle suddenly sounded, reminding them that they didn't have unlimited time to talk.
"You had better join your friends on the train, or it will leave without you" instructed Raya.
"You will write to me, won't you?" Asked Harry hopefully.
"If you want me to" replied Raya.
"I do. I know I was awful to you last year, because I didn't know the truth. But this year I want you and Sirius to write to me as often as you can"
"Alright then, you can expect weekly letters from me, from now on, I promise. Now, get on that train, before it's too late"
"O.K, I'm going. See you later Raya"
"Bye Harry. Take care"
"You too".

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