50. Dark Detentions

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Raya journeyed alone to Hogsmeade, since Sirius had agreed that it was too risky for him to go with her.
As Jamie was now in his 3rd year, he was allowed to visit Hogsmeade for the first time.
Since Raya expected that the boys would rather hang out with their friends, she decided not to spend too much time with them, so that they could explore Hogsmeade at their own pace. So, she only planned on spending the morning in Hogsmeade.
Raya had left Sophia with Remus, so that she could travel without any problems.

Due to the cold weather, Raya had decided to meet the boys inside the Three Broomsticks, safe from the snow outside.
She didn't normally like being in public spaces like that, and she felt everyones eyes on her the moment she arrived, but Raya knew she was there for a good reason.
It wasn't long after her butterbeer arrived, that Harry and Jamie entered the pub.
"There are my favourite boys" grinned Raya, as she embraced them both.

"Is Padfoot not with you?" Asked Jamie, as they all took their seats at a table in the far corner of the pub.
"No, I managed to convince him that it was too dangerous for him to come with me" answered Raya.
"Thank God. I've been so worried for days that he would turn up" admitted Harry, as he sighed in relief.
"I made him promise that he wouldn't follow me. Like you, I do not wish to see him end up back in Azkaban" replied Raya.
"He seemed pretty upset with me, the last time I spoke to him" Harry said quietly.
"I know, and I'm sorry about that. He admitted to me that he was wrong to treat you that way. But we didn't tell you that in a letter because we didn't want it to be intercepted. We would've written more letters, but it's just too risky at the moment. We don't want the Ministry finding out that me, you and Jamie are in contact with an escaped convict".

"The Ministry haven't conducted any more raids at home, have they?" Asked Jamie.
"Not yet, no. Kingsley has managed to keep them away from the manor so far. But every day I'm at home, I feel like I sit, waiting for that ominous knock at the door again, where the Ministry aurors come bursting into my house in search of Sirius" revealed Raya.
"That's not fair. You shouldn't have to live like that" frowned Harry.
"It's the price I pay for being married to someone everyone believes is a murderer. But enough about me. What have you boys been up to this term?" Questioned Raya.

Jamie and Harry shared a look, and both took their hands off the table, before placing them on their laps.
"We've both had a lot of detentions" admitted Harry quietly.
"That's to be expected. You are both sons of Marauders. Although, I thought you were both more rule abiding than we were" replied Raya.
"Well, all of our detentions come from Umbridge" explained Harry.
"Is she still on your back?"
"Yes. She seems to be out to get me. Every time I see her, she gives me a detention for saying that Voldemort is back".

Raya frowned, "She gives you detentions for telling everyone the truth?".
"Yeah" answered Harry.
"But that's not right. Your teachers are only supposed to punish you when you break school rules. She shouldn't give you detentions just for trying to tell everyone that Voldemort has returned" replied Raya.
"She calls me an attention seeker, and she claims that I deserve to be punished. I tried to get McGonagall to overrule Umbridge, but she said that she can't now that Umbridge is High Inquisitor".

Raya looked over at Jamie, "Does she give you detentions for the same reason?".
"Yes. Although I haven't had as many as Harry, because I don't raise my voice as much during lessons, because I don't want her to punish me. After my first week of detentions, I tried my best not to get any more. But I can't always hold my tongue when she bad mouths dad, or claims that Voldemort hasn't returned" admitted Jamie.
"Why are her detentions so bad? What exactly does she make you do?" Demanded Raya.

Jamie and Harry shared another look, but said nothing.
"Well?" Raya asked again.
"Lines" mumbled Harry.
"She makes you write lines? What do you have to write?" Asked Raya.
"I must not tell lies" answered Harry.
"How many times?"
"It depends"
"On what"
"On how long it takes for the message to sink in".

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