1. The Last Of The Blacks

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Raya Sophia Black was tidying up the living room in the Potter Manor, when she heard the front door slam shut.
She smiled and left the room to find the person who had just entered the house.
"Did you have a good last day?" Questioned Raya.
A small black haired boy looked back at her and nodded, "It was fine".
"I can't believe you've already finished your Muggle education" admitted Raya.
"I'm glad it's over" replied Jamie.

"I know you might not have enjoyed it all the time, but going to a Muggle primary school equips you with a lot of life skills" reminded Raya.
"I know mum" sighed Jamie.
"Your Muggle education will have mentally prepared you for Hogwarts. So, you'll be ready for school, unlike the home-schooled pure-bloods" replied Raya.
"I thought you used to say that nothing can prepare you for Hogwarts"
"That's partly true. Whatever you expect Hogwarts is like, when you get there, you realise that you really were clueless. It is more amazing than anywhere in the world"
"You've been talking about it non-stop since my letter arrived on my 11th birthday last year. So, I like to think that I'm ready for Hogwarts".

"I'm just excited for you. When your letter arrived, it confirmed that you are a wizard and therefore belong at Hogwarts. I never got a letter, so I never got to experience that. Which I guess is why I am trying to experience it through you. I also would do anything to go back in time and relive my school days. As I had the time of my life at Hogwarts" admitted Raya.
"I still can't believe that you forced Dumbledore to let you attend Hogwarts, even though you don't have any magic" grinned Jamie.
"I didn't force him. I just sent him a strongly worded letter, insisting that he let me go to Hogwarts like my brother" corrected Raya.
"That sounds a lot like forcing to me"
"Call it what you like, it got me into Hogwarts. And I spent the happiest years of my life there".

"I wish I could tell my classmates where I'm going in September" Jamie said sadly.
"You know that's not possible" replied Raya.
"Yeah, I know... Today, it was all anybody could talk about. Most people are going to the local secondary school, but some are going to one in the next town. They kept talking about how exciting it's going to be in the next school. But I can't join in the conversation, because I'm the weird kid who's going to a private boarding school in September"
"You're not weird".

"The other kids already thought I was odd. But things got worse this year, when I had to tell them that I've had my name down to go to this far away boarding school, ever since I was born" revealed Jamie.
"Do they really think you're weird?" Asked Raya softly.
"Mum, I'm the kid that turns up in second hand clothes, but also lives in the large mansion on the outskirts of town. There's a reason I don't have any friends. It's hard to explain to other people that we live in a giant manor house, which doesn't belong to our family, but we also have absolutely no money" answered Jamie.

"Yes, well you can thank your grandmother Walburga for that, as she's the one who stopped us having access to the Black family fortune. And there's nothing we can do about it until your father dies, or somehow gets his name cleared and comes out of Azkaban to undo what his mother did in her will. We do have a rather complicated life, it's true. One that is too hard to explain to Muggles, and I'm sorry about that... But all that will change in September when you get to go to Hogwarts, because you will be surrounded by other people with magic. You won't have to hide who you are anymore" exclaimed Raya.

"Things will be just as hard when I go to Hogwarts, but in a different way. Here, no one knows who we are. But when I go to Hogwarts, everyone will know that I am the son of the murderous death eater; Sirius Black. I'm going to be an outcast the second I arrive, because I'm a Black. And I know you can't lie and tell me that everything will be alright, because you don't ever lie" said Jamie.
"No, I don't lie. Not even to you. Lies and deception are the reason your father is serving a life sentence in Azkaban, for a crime he didn't commit. Which is why I'm not going to lie to you, and tell you that everything is going to be O.K. Things will be hard, but I know you are strong enough to get through that bad stuff, because you are just like your father" informed Raya.

Jamie smiled, "I am".
"Oh yes. You're just as brave and determined as he was" admitted Raya.
"Cool... I wish I could meet him. And I wish I could tell the people at Hogwarts that he didn't kill all those people" sighed Jamie.
"But you can't. Even if you did they wouldn't believe you. The Ministry of Magic forbade me from speaking about the incident all those years ago, so it's probably best that you don't go around talking about it either. I don't want to end up in Azkaban, for breaking my side of the deal, that I made at my trial. Besides, this all happened a long time ago, so I doubt it will come up in conversation very often while you're there. Not everyone is going to have heard of Sirius Black" replied Raya.

"I know I can't tell anyone. But I just wish the world could know that my father is not a traitor" said Jamie.
"Me too. But we know the truth, and that's all that matters" reminded Raya.
"I guess so... Do you think all of the students in my year will know about dad?" Questioned Jamie.
"I don't know. The pure-bloods probably will, and maybe the half-bloods. The Muggle-borns won't have, but they might learn about what happened from other people in your year" answered Raya.

"Do you think anyone who knows what happened will want to be my friend?" Asked Jamie.
"Honestly, it depends on which house you end up in" sighed Raya.
"You want me to be in Gryffindor, right?" Quizzed Jamie.
"I'd like you to be in our house, but it really doesn't matter to me which one you end up in"
"So, if I got placed in Slytherin, you wouldn't mind?"
"I wouldn't love you any less if you did end up in Slytherin. But I think your life might be harder, if you end up surrounded by pure-bloods. The rest of the world won't look kindly upon another Black placed in Slytherin. I'd also prefer it if you didn't grow up surrounded by all the death eaters kids. But I don't want you worrying about something you have no control over. The Sorting Hat will decide your fate, not you".

"Was dad really the only Black not in Slytherin?" Questioned Jamie.
"Yes. Even his favourite cousin Andromeda, who married a Muggle-born, was in Slytherin. But her daughter Nymphadora was in Hufflepuff. Before Sirius ended up in Gryffindor, every single member of the Black family was in the snake house. It's why the Black family homes are covered in snakes" revealed Raya.
"They don't sound like nice places" shuddered Jamie.
"They're not. They're dark and creepy. I visited your fathers house once, and that was enough for me... But honestly Jamie, don't stress about which house you will end up in. Because worrying never helped anyone. Now, go and get out of your school clothes, because I've planned a little surprise party for you, to celebrate you finishing school"
"Nice. Is Uncle Remus coming?"
"Of course"

The Squib and the Werewolf (book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora