34. Dancing Pros

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Since the second task wasn't until the following year, Raya could go a few months without having to worry about Harry being killed.
When Christmas arrived, Raya managed to convince Sirius to come home, so that they could spend Christmas as a family.
Harry had to stay at Hogwarts to attend the Yule Ball, but since Jamie was too young to go, he decided to come home for the holidays.
"I have to admit, that I never thought this would ever be possible. Us all sitting together in one room, having Christmas dinner together" smiled Raya.
"I know I missed a lot of Christmases with you, but I really hope I can make up for my absences in the past" replied Sirius.

"I just wish I had believed you about Sirius, Raya, because then I would've fought harder at the trial, and maybe Sirius wouldn't have been imprisoned" sighed Remus.
"We can never know what might have happened, and living in the past is no good for anyone. We must think only of the future. And I know that my future consists of you 3 amazing boys, and my beautiful daughter" grinned Raya.
"Not to mention a godson who is currently embarrassing himself by showing his lack of dancing ability, to everyone at Hogwarts" chuckled Sirius.
"Yes, I don't expect Harry had many opportunities to practice dancing, while living with the Dursley's" agreed Raya.

"Mother forced me and Regulus to learn formal dances at a young age. I guess she was still living in the medieval times, when everyone with money and a title had to dance at grand balls" admitted Sirius.
"So, you're a good dancer, dad?" Questioned Jamie.
"I don't know if I am any more, as it's been a long time since I danced properly. But when I was younger, I like to think I was quite good" answered Sirius.

"I'd say that you were more than just quite good" complimented Raya.
"Thanks. And not only was I good at traditional ballroom dances, but me and James used to dance to pop music the Gryffindor common room during parties" smiled Sirius.
"I wouldn't call that dancing. You were just jumping around while very drunk, until the early hours of the morning" reminded Raya.
"Yes, the partying only stopped when McGonagall would turn up and tell us all to go to bed".
"Those parties used to give me a headache" admitted Remus.
"Such good times" reminisced Sirius.

"We don't have parties like that in Ravenclaw. It's a much more chill house" admitted Jamie.
"It's probably for the best that you ended up there then, as I think the Gryffindor common room might have been a bit much for you. It was very chaotic in there. At least when the Marauders were living there. It was full of loud noises and explosions, which made it very hard to study in" revealed Raya.
"From what I've heard, it's like that now. The Weasley twins have been known to throw some pretty big parties, especially when Gryffindor win a Quidditch game" replied Jamie.

"What's the Ravenclaw tower like then?" Sirius asked Jamie.
"Well, it's big and blue, and there are lots of tables and chairs that you can study on. There's a small library inside, and a large statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. Since it's a tower, there are also these giant windows, that you can look out at the Hogwarts grounds through" informed Jamie.
"And you have to answer a question to get into the common room, right?" Quizzed Sirius.
"Yes. But most of the time, you can just knock, and someone on the other side will let you in. There's bound to be someone studying in the common room, at most points in the day. It's an unspoken Ravenclaw rule, that if someone knocks on the door, you let them in. Because one day that could be you, and if you don't know the answer to the question, you could be stuck outside the tower for ages".

"I don't think that would work for the Gryffindor tower, because we like pranking people too much, and we'd never let someone in without making them do something embarrassing first" grinned Sirius.
"I guess Ravenclaws are just nicer than us" replied Raya.
"Maybe, but we are a lot more sociable" reminded Sirius.
"Yes, that's true. Gryffindors do tend to form large friend groups, unlike the other houses, who prefer to have 1 close friend".
"I think you're right mum. Most people in my house have 1 close friend. But we all get on with each other, there's no bullying in Ravenclaw that I'm aware of" admitted Jamie.

"Are you sad that you're not there for Christmas?" Asked Raya.
"No, not really. I know that Christmas at Hogwarts is pretty cool, but I'd much rather be here" answered Jamie.
"Christmas this year is supposed to be very big, since all the foreign students are staying at Hogwarts because of the Triwizard Tournament. The Weird Sisters are even rumoured to be playing at the Yule Ball tonight" replied Raya.
"Yeah, but I'm too young to attend the ball, unless I'm somebodies date, because it's only open to 4th years and above. I'd be in my dormitory right now, if I wasn't here, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Being here with you, dad, and uncle Remus, is way better then anything Hogwarts has to offer".

"Well said" smiled Sirius.
"And on that note, Happy Christmas everyone" announced Raya as she picked up her glass, and raised it into the air.
Everyone copied her, and shouted Merry Christmas in unison.
"Let's hope that next year is even better than this year" continued Raya.
"With you by my side, how can it not be" murmered Sirius seductively.
"Eww, dad, get a room" cringed Jamie.
Sirius chuckled, "Sorry, kid. It's hard to restrain myself when I'm around someone as amazing as your mum".
"Flattery will get you nowhere Mr Black" grinned Raya.
"We'll see" smiled Sirius.

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