24. Trains And Travels

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Raya spent the rest of the day with Jamie and Harry exploring the Hogwarts grounds. Before returning home that evening via floo powder, with Sophia, feeling utterly defeated.
Peter had escaped, and he was going to resurrect Voldemort, throwing them all into another war. Remus had been outed as a werewolf by Snape, and Sirius was going to remain a villian in the eyes of the world.
All these things combined made Raya feel rather miserable.
But when Raya got back to the manor she found a dog and a Hippogriff waiting for her, which immediately improved her mood.

The escapees had to leave the following morning, as it wasn't safe for them to stay at the manor, in case the Ministry came knocking.
So, Sirius had no choice but to flee with Buckbeak, to keep his family safe.
Raya didn't hear from him for several weeks, until he sent word, informing her that he was safe in Europe, and that he wanted her to join him for the summer.

When the school year came to a close, Raya headed to King's Cross station, to pick up Jamie.
Instead of waiting on Platform 9 and 3/4 she stood on the Muggle side of the station, so that she would be able to have a word with the Dursley's once Harry arrived.
"Miss me?" She asked, when she saw Harry approaching.
"Yes" answered Harry, as he hugged her tight.
"What have you got there?" Questioned Raya, pointing to the parchment in Harry's hand.
"It's a letter from Sir-"
"From Padfoot" interupted Raya.
"Yes, from Padfoot".

"It's best if we don't say his name in public, just in case anyone overhears us" Raya said quietly.
"Oh, good idea. Well, Padfoot sent me a letter, which arrived while I was on the train. He wanted to let me know that him and Buckbeak are alright" informed Harry.
"I received a similar letter myself, but it didn't stop me from worrying about him" admitted Raya.
"He said that he's left the country, to stop the Ministry from finding him"
"It was a wise thing for him to do"
"He also sent me a piece of parchment with his signature on, giving me permission to attend Hogsmeade next year".

Raya chuckled and removed some parchment from under Sophia's pram, which she then handed to Harry, "Great minds think alike. Because I have also filled out your permission slip, allowing you to visit Hogsmeade like everyone else. I am your godmother, and your rightful guardian, so the school should accept this".
"Thank you" smiled Harry.
"I wish I could do more, but Dumbledore still insists that you spend the holidays with your Muggle family. However, this doesn't mean I'm going to abandon you all summer. You will see a lot of me, I promise" replied Raya.

A few moments later, Jamie arrived, pulling his suitcase behind him.
"Hi mum" he said, as he hugged Raya tight.
"It's good to see you Jamie. I'm glad that you're home, because I have some news to share with you" revealed Raya.
"What is it?" Questioned Jamie.
"We are going on a trip this year. Me, you and Sophia are going to France"
"We are? Why?"
"You could say that I'm going to visit an old friend".

Jamie's jaw dropped, when he understood what his mother meant.
"We are going to spend the summer with dad?" He asked quietly.
"We certainly are. Not the whole holiday, as that would be too risky, because your father needs to keep moving around. But we will certainly be with him for the first couple of weeks of the holidays" answered Raya.
"This is so cool. I've never even been abroad before" admitted Jamie.
"I know. We couldn't afford it before. But now that we have access to the Black vault, we can go abroad. And since we will be travelling the Muggle way, the Ministry will find it hard to track us. So, we shouldn't put Padfoot at risk, by going to see him".

"Does this mean I won't see you for a while?" Mumbled Harry sadly.
"Not for a few weeks, no. But I promise we will be back for your birthday, as I want to make your 13th birthday the best one yet" informed Raya, as she placed her arm around Harry's shoulders.
"You don't have to come back that early, if you want to spend longer with Padfoot" replied Harry.
"You are a part of my family, Harry. And just because I can't take you with me, it doesn't mean I care about you any less. Which is why I am going to have a word with your aunt and uncle, to make your life with them a bit more bearable".

Raya pushed Sophia's pram towards the Dursley's, while Jamie and Harry ran along either side of her pulling their cases.
"Is this a good idea?" Asked Harry.
"He's right. Antagonising the Dursley's seems dangerous" added Jamie.
"You boys worry too much. These Muggles don't know that I'm a Squib, so they think I can perform magic on them if they annoy me. So, don't worry, because I know what I'm doing" reassured Raya.
When they reached the Dursley's, Vernon frowned at her, "Can I help you?".
"Yes, I think you can" smiled Raya.
"Do we know you?" Questioned Petunia.
"Not yet. But you're about to. I happen to know a lot about you Muggles, and what I've heard is not good" answered Raya.

The Dursley's took a step back, assuming that Raya was a witch, since she used the word Muggle.
"What do you want?" Asked Vernon nervously.
"I want you to treat Harry better. You see, Harry is my godson, and it is my job to make sure that nothing bad happens to him. I may have been absent from his life for a while, but I'm back now, and I'm not going anywhere. And if I hear that you have mistreated him, then there will be hell to pay" warned Raya.
"You can't threaten me!" Snapped Vernon, trying to sound braver than he felt.

Raya grinned and took out one of her knives, "Oh, but I can. I have the power to do anything I want, Dursley. And there is nothing you can do to stop me. I don't work alone either. You may have seen a man on the Muggle news recently, called Sirius Black, who's an escaped convict. Well, my name is Raya Black, and that man is my husband. He's on the run right now, but I have the ability to keep in touch with him. Like me, he cares a lot about Harry, and if he finds out his godson has been hurt in anyway, then nothing will stop him from paying you and your family a little visit".

The Dursley's gasped and took another step back.
Seeing that her work was done, Raya turned back to Harry, "If you need anything, just send me an owl".
"I will" promised Harry.
Raya smiled and hugged him tight, "Stay safe Harry, and I will see you soon".
"Say hello to Padfoot for me" replied Harry.
"I will".

Raya released Harry and began making her way towards the car with Jamie and Sophia.
"When do we get to see dad?" He asked quietly.
"The day after tomorrow. I thought you might like one day at home, to rest and relax, before we leave" answered Raya.
"I can't wait to see him again" grinned Jamie.
"Neither can I".

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