72. Loss Of A Leader

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As the school year came to an end, Dumbledore decided that he wanted more guards at Hogwarts.
Which was not good news for Raya, as Remus was often forced to spend the evening at Hogwarts, away from her. Meaning that she was alone in the house, with only Sophia for company.
To ease her loneliness, Raya started spending more time at the Burrow.
Since she couldn't apparate, and the protective magic around the Burrow stopped the use of floo powder, Raya couldn't get there by herself.
So, at the end of his shift at work, Arthur would pop by the manor to pick up Raya and Sophia, and bring them back to the Burrow with him.

One evening Raya and Molly were up late talking, when a cat Patronus suddenly appeared in the living room.
McGonagall's voice echoed around the room, informing them of a fight that had taken place at Hogwarts.
Dumbledore had been killed by Snape, and their children were injured.
Without stopping to think, Raya scooped Sophia up off the floor and formed a circle with Molly, Arthur and Fleur, so that they could apparate as close to Hogwarts as possible.

When they arrived in Hogsmeade, no one spoke, instead they moved as quickly as they could towards the castle.
Raya couldn't really believe that Dumbledore was dead.
He had always been this invincible force that ruined her life, and she just couldn't imagine a life without him in it.
Nor could she believe that Snape had killed Dumbledore.
She hated the slimy git, and didn't trust him. But she thought that he idealised Dumbledore. Which is why she found it strange that Snape had killed him.

Although Dumbledore's death concerned Raya, her main focus was on getting to the hospital wing as quickly as possible, to check on her boys.
McGonagall's Patronus hadn't said how badly the children were hurt, so Raya wanted to join them as quickly as possible, to assess their injuries.
She was terrified that she wouldn't make it in time, which is why she walked as fast as she could. Which was tricky with Sophia in her arms.

Molly lead the way into the castle, and threw open the hospital wing doors, so that every one else could follow her in.
Raya quickly assessed the situation, to see who was the most injured.
Neville Longbottom was lying unconscious on the furthest bed, but he didn't appear to be too broken.
The bed next to him was surrounded by people, and Raya assumed the person on it was Bill, but it was hard to tell, as his face had been messed up so badly, that he looked more like Moody.
Harry was stood around the bed, looking unhurt, which calmed Raya's fast beating heart slightly, especially when she saw Remus stood beside him.
But when Raya looked at the next bed, she screamed.

Jamie was sat upright on his bed, with large slashes across his face, as though someone had sliced his face several times with a knife.
"I'm alright mum, really" insisted Jamie, as Raya placed Sophia on the end of his bed and threw her arms around him.
"What happened?" Demanded Raya.
"I tried to get Fenir Greyback off of Bill. When he saw it was me he smiled and attacked me. I guess he thought it was funny to scar the nephew of a werewolf, in exactly the same way" answered Jamie.
"But it's not a fullmoon"
"He wasn't transformed. But he still managed to do quite a lot of damage to me and Bill. He has his fingernails and teeth sharpened you know, to make him more deadly when it isn't a full moon".

Raya delicately touched the slashes on Jamie's face, causing him to wince.
"Do they hurt?" She asked.
"Not as much as they did at first. Madam Pomfrey gave a pain relief potion, which stopped them hurting so much. She can't fully heal the cuts though, as they are cursed wounds. But I wasn't bitten like Bill, so Uncle Remus doesn't think I will be affected in anyway. Aside, from having scars on my face" admitted Jamie.
"I'm so sorry this has happened to you" replied Raya.

"I'm not. I'm glad I came to fight when Harry summoned me. I would have hated myself if I'd slept through the battle, because I wouldn't have been able to help anyone. Madam Pomfrey thinks I saved Bill's life tonight, by getting Greyback off him before he could finish the job" revealed Jamie.
"But you've been scarred for life" pointed out Raya.
"Everyone else in my family has scars on their face. So, I guess it was always meant to be. You and Remus both have werewolf scars, and now so do I" replied Jamie.

Raya hugged Jamie again and turned her head to face the others who were all crowded around Bill's broken body.
She locked eyes with Harry, and she was going to ask him if it was true about Dumbledore, but the haunted look on his face gave her the answer she needed.
Dumbledore really was dead, so from now on, they were on their own, with no leader to guide them.
Raya watched as Molly swapped seats with Madam Pomfrey, and began dabbing ointment onto Bill's wounds, instead of the Matron.

"Of course, it doesn't matter how he looks... But he was very handsome... And he was going to be married" sniffed Molly, as she tried not to cry.
"And what do you mean by zat? What do you mean, he was going to be married?" Demanded Fleur as she crossed her arms.
"Well, I, err..." mumbled Molly.
"You think that because of these bites, Bill will not wish to marry me anymore?"
"No, that's not-"
"Because he will. It will take more zan a werewolf to stop him loving me".

"Well, yes, I'm sure... But I thought, given how he looks..." Molly trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.
But she didn't need to, because everyone knew what she has been about to say.
"You thought I would not wish to marry him anymore? Or perhaps you hoped I wouldn't... What do I care how he looks? I am good looking enough for both of us, I think. All these scars show is zat my husband is brave. And I shall do zat" announced Fleur, as she took the ointment from Molly's hands, and began soothing it onto Bill's wounds.

Nobody said anything for a few moments, as Fleur continued attending to Bill's injuries.
"Our Great Aunt Muriel has a very beautiful goblin made tiara, which I'm sure I could persuade her to lend you for the wedding. She was always very fond of Bill, and it would look lovely with your hair" Molly said quietly.
"Thank you. I'm sure zat will be lovely" replied Fleur curtly.
A moment later the two women threw themselves into each others arms, and began hugging and crying at the same time.

"Well, that was weird" Jamie whispered to Raya.
"Strange circumstances can make people do things they wouldn't normally do. Besides, it was about time Molly accepted her new future daughter in law" Raya whispered back.
"You see, Fleur still wants to marry  Bill, even though he's been bitten. She doesn't care" announced Tonks, as she glared at Remus.
"Uh oh" mumbled Raya, as she realised what was about to happen.
"It's different. The two cases are not the same. Bill will not be a full werewolf" Remus said quietly.

"I don't care. I've told you a million times-" started Tonks.
"And I've told you a million times, that I am too old for you, too poor, and too dangerous" interupted Remus.
"I've said all along that you're taking a ridiculous line on this, Remus" sighed Molly.
"I am not being ridiculous. Tonks deserves someone young and whole" insisted Remus.
"But she wants you. And afterall, young and whole men do not necessarily remain so" replied Arthur, as he gestured to Bill.

"This is not the moment to discuss it... Dumbledore is dead" reminded Remus, as he lowered his eyes, unable to look at anyone.
"Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world" replied McGonagall.
"I- I just can't" mumbled Remus.
"Remy, I think it's time you stopped listening to your head, and started listening to your heart. None of us know how much time we have left on this earth. Don't waste time being stubbon, when you could be spending time with someone that you care about. You deserve to be happy. And don't want you throwing away that chance, by being sensible" informed Raya.

Remus was saved from replying by the arrival of Hagrid.
"I've done it, Professor. I've moved his body" Hagrid told McGonagall.
"Thank you Hagrid" she replied.
"Professor Sprout has got the kids back in bed. Professor Flitwick is lying down right now, but he says he'll be up in a jiffy. And Professor Slughorn says that the Ministry has been informed" revealed Hagrid.
"I see... Well, I shall have to deal with the Ministry when they get here. Hagrid, please tell the Heads of house to come to my office forthwith. Slughorn can represent Slytherin, since Severus Snape has disappeared. You can join us too, as I would like your input".
Hagrid nodded, before leaving the room, to carry out McGonagall's instructions.

"Before I meet them, I would like a word with you, Harry, if that's alright?" Asked McGonagall.
"Sure" mumbled Harry.
"Is this really necessary, McGonagall? Do you have to talk to Harry now, after everything he has been through?" Questioned Raya.
"I'm afraid it cannot wait" answered McGonagall.
"Alright, you may speak to Harry then. Just make sure that you send him back to me, before the Ministry get here. I do not want Scrimgeour talking to him, under any circumstances" informed Raya.
"Very well".

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