22. Broken Promise

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Waking up in the hospital wing, made Raya feel just like a kid again.
Her and the Marauders had ended up in there so many times, every time a prank or a game had backfired. Which is why Raya found it strange to wake up alone.
After feeding Sophia, Raya put her back down for a nap, before heading out to get some breakfast.
On the way to the great hall, Raya overhead a group of students whispering about a werewolf in the castle.
"What did you just say?" Questioned Raya, as she stopped a small Gryffindor boy.
"Professor Lupin is a werewolf. Professor Snape told the Slytherins first thing this morning, and now everyone in the school knows" answered the boy.

Raya let the boy go, as she felt her world come crashing down once again.
Snape had sworn never to reveal Remus's secret. But after Sirius had escaped, Snape had clearly changed his mind.
Raya was full of rage, as she turned from the hall and headed down towards the dungeons.
She slammed open the door of Snape's office, and found the man sat at his desk behind a book.
"HOW COULD YOU?" Screamed Raya, as she removed a knife from her belt.

"I did you a favour last night. I could have told the Minister that you were in the Shrieking Shack, but I didn't. You are the only one I owe a life debt to, since James Potter is dead" reminded Snape.
"You swore to me and Dumbledore that you would never tell anyone my brother's secret!" Yelled Raya.
"Yes, well I changed my mind" replied Snape.
"You gave me your word! You can't just go back on a promise like that. Do you realise the seriousness of what you have done? You have ruined Remus's life, all because you were angry at someone else".

"I didn't intend on breaking my promise. But Remus's secret just slipped out" said Snape, without a hint of empathy in his voice.
"Oh did it now? So, you just happened to accidentally tell the whole school that my brother is a werewolf, right after Sirius escapes from Hogwarts?" Frowned Raya.
"I didn't tell the whole school. Just a few Slytherins" replied Snape.
"You told them, knowing full well it would only be a matter of time before the whole school learned the truth"
"What they did with the information after I told them, is none of my business".

"How could you do this to Remus? He wasn't even one of the kids that bullied you, yet you still decided to ruin his life, just because you were mad at Sirius. Remus is an innocent man, who already has a hard life because of his condition. So, why did you decide to make his life even worse? Just when I thought my life might actually be getting better, you ruin everything, and bring my world crashing down! People already hate me and Jamie because of our surname, how will they treat us when they learn that my brother is a werewolf?" Questioned Raya.
"I don't care. It is not my responsibility to care about your family or keep your secrets" snapped Snape.

Raya advanced on Snape, gripping her knife tightly.
"Do you remember what I said I would do if you ever told someone about Remus?" She asked.
Snape's eyes flicked to his wand at the other end of his desk.
He couldn't be sure that he would reach his wand, before Raya threw her knife.
"I was only a child when I said I would kill you, if you broke your promise. But I'm a different person now. The war changed me, and made me tougher. Not to mention the fact that I had training from Alastor Moody himself. Which means that I am very good at killing. And after everything you have done to my family, I have absolutely no qualms about killing you" continued Raya.

Raya raised her arm and threw her knife straight at Snape's chest.
But before Snape could reach his wand to defend himself, the knife stopped in midair, halfway across the room.
"I would prefer it if my friends didn't try to kill each other when my back is turned".
Raya spun around and saw Dumbledore standing in the doorway with his wand raised.
He then flicked his wrist, summoning the knife into his hand.
"Maybe you should choose your friends more carefully" mumbled Snape, as he picked up his wand and got up from behind his desk.
"We are not friends" Raya said coldly, as she looked at Dumbledore.

"Maybe not. But I still can't have you attacking Severus" informed Dumbledore sternly.
"Do you know what he has done?" Questioned Raya.
"Yes, as I just received Remus's resignation a few minutes ago" revealed Dumbledore.
Raya's jaw dropped, "He's resigning?".
"I tried to talk him out of it, but he seems to think it's for the best".
Raya spun back around to glare at Snape, "This is all your fault, you traitorous snake! Remus is never going to be able to get another job now. No one is going to hire a known werewolf".

"Severus may have acted badly, but you are not innocent in this situation" reminded Dumbledore.
"I hid my husband from the Ministry, but since he is innocent, I don't see that as a crime" informed Raya, as she faced Dumbledore once more.
"I wasn't talking about that. I was referring to the knife you just threw at Severus" replied Dumbledore.
"I told him that I would kill him or make his life a living hell if he ever told anyone that Remus was a werewolf. And since he broke his word, he deserves to be punished. He might break his promises, but I don't. No one else is going to punish him for what he as done, so I must be the one to make him pay. All you will give him is a stern talking to, just like you did when he nearly killed me. Perhaps I should scar him the same way he scarred me" suggested Raya, as she ran her fingers over the scar on her neck.

"I cannot allow you to do that" announced Dumbledore.
"Are you going to stop me then, Dumbledore?" Questioned Raya.
"I will have you thrown from the castle, if you cannot control your temper" warned Dumbledore.
Raya snatched her knife back from his hand and sheefed it in her belt.
"Just know that you were this close to having your neck sliced open. And if you ever cross me again, I will gut you like a fish. Don't forget, that Dumbledore won't always be around to protect you" spat Raya, as he looked over her shoulder at Snape.

Raya then pushed past Dumbledore and exited the room.
"Are you going to see Remus?" Asked Dumbledore.
"Of course. Someone needs to check on him, as it's pretty clear that no one else gives a toss about him" snapped Raya.
"I care a lot about Remus, and I am very sorry that this has happened" replied Dumbledore.
"Sure you are"
"I do regret what has happened, but I cannot change the past... Anyway, I thought I should give you this back".
Dumbledore removed a wand from his robes and handed it to Raya.
"I believe this belongs to you" he continued.

"Where did you get this?" Demanded Raya.
"Severus found it on Sirius's body last night. And when I realised it was yours, I took hold of it, so that the Ministry wouldn't confiscate it and work out that you had given it to him" answered Dumbledore.
"How did you know this was mine?" Quizzed Raya.
"I remember you pretending that the wand was yours, when you first arrived at Hogwarts, all those years ago"
"Back then, I wanted so much to be a witch, and have magic like everyone else. And when I held my grandmother's wand, I felt like I belonged in the wizarding world... Thank you for returning this to me, and not telling the Ministry who its owner was. But like I said last night, this doesn't make us even, and I still don't forgive you".

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