Chapter 4

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The mountains were not that tall as she thought. They could see a forest all over leading to a couple of plains. But those plains looked way far than she thought. The sight was beautiful, orange and pink reached out and light green started to fade to a dark green as it turned to a night.
"It's so gorgeous. It would lovely to live such a great place like this." MoonPaw looked back to SunPaw.
He carried a similar expression unlike what he usually would have.
"Yeah... It would be nice. Think of the clan that would've lived here. CliffClan? Would that be a good name for a clan here?" SunPaw looked back to MoonPaw, his expression was different he seemed relaxed but his eyes look tired as usual.
"Sounds nice, I do hope we find someplace." She replied, giving SunPaw a smile.
"Hey look at that red thing!" CloudPaw smiled as MoonPaw look forward, CloudPaw was right, a far red nest that was stable. But it looked quiet small and blurry to see.
"I don't know, it seems a bit far..." MoonPaw sighed
"Either way we should start a small camp to rest in, for the day." VolePaw mewed.
"Agreed, but I think it's time for you apprentices have a break, if you are needed, we'll get you." StarlingClaw spoke behind them.
"Maybe on that flat area, it seems to be supported by the mountain." He continued, and MoonPaw walked over to CometPaw and looked for Fuzz, he was resting under a small area under them.
"You should rest MoonPaw. Something seems to be bothering you." VolePaw mewed with caution.
"I'm fine, just a sore paw." She lied.
"At least rest. Even with a sore paw." VolePaw continued, and MoonPaw lay her head on CometPaw's fur. Her eyes closing into a dark void into a glossy night.
"Lemon! Wait up!" Bluebell squeaked with exhaustion.
"Alright, alright. Say... Has father announced who will be taking his place?" Lemon looked up at the barn, his home, a prison, a monarchy.
"He said you. Lemon..." Bluebell looked at him, her face with concern.
"Are you sure, you want to take the cliffing?" Bluebell finally asked.
"Oh, dear sister, Bluebell, daughter of Vines, sister of... Well me, of course. I can't say no of such an opportunity. Even though I'll be forced to find a mate... But that doesn't matter! A mate for the cliffing father is temporarily! As long the cliffing father has offspring, he can live back to his single life." Lemon replied. With his contagious smile.
"And the cliffing mother?" Bluebell looked up.
"The sister of the offspring of the cliffing father will turn toward the path of the top advisor. Like always." Lemon reminded her.
"Right... Since father choose you, he wanted me to help you find a mate, before well his... Passing." She spoke again.
"Oh... Alright! Uh, well let's check the volunteers than." Lemon held a fake smile and his sister sighed, and they headed into the barn, their home to many cats and the cliffing kin.
"Kits! Lemon! Bluebell! I'm so happy to see you! Are you two looking for the volunteers?" A beautiful she-cat with a dark smoky gray and red splashed over her pelt, emerald eyes reminded Lemon of the abandoned mill, he would play in.
"Dandelion, well yes, we are looking for volunteers. But have you seen Fog?" Lemon watched Dandelion's expression, from excitement to confusion.
"Fog? What about him? He may be your brother, but since you have been chosen. He will be a threat to your status of the cliffing."
"But he's so much younger. He can barely catch a mouse!" Lemon remembered Fog couldn't catch a single piece of prey like he was a newborn kit. But Lemon knew Fog was only good at running. His light grey pelt was always made him easy him.
"Enough with the silence, let's just carry on with the volunteers, we'll look for Fog and bring him to you." Lemon looked up to the night sky-
MoonPaw awoke up, the dark sky was a light blue with white and grey splashed in the sky.
"SunPaw?" MoonPaw looked around, the white, grey tom was asleep.
"Not now..." SunPaw swiped his paws away, enjoying his precious sleep.
"CometPaw?" MoonPaw rised from the cold ground, a red pelt was no where to be seen, until BrindleTail showed up.
"It's been a long time since I talked with you! CometPaw went to do some training with StarlingClaw. How about we-" BrindleTail stopped as FrogStar approached toward the crowd of cats, like a meeting.
"Cats of ThornClan, I want all cats to gather, a ceremony we will be performed tonight, when the sun sets." FrogStar lay down on small cliff.
"I'll get StarlingClaw and CometPaw.  RedPaw can get your brother." BrindleTail turned around, down to a small area with a couple of trees. MoonPaw sighed, she remembered the odd dream, at first she wanted to avoid it, but was it real? A vision? Who was the two royal siblings, Lemon, Bluebell and their missing little brother Fog?
"Hey... CinnamonPaw... I think I had a vision from SunClan..." MoonPaw looked up to the short apprentice.
"That's amazing! I thought only medicine cats get visions. I had a vision once, it was about FlailKit, that was the reason I became the apprentice of NightBlair. But let's focus, what was your vision about?" CinnamonPaw sat down under a tree, and MoonPaw joined, gathering all the memories of her vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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