Chapter 3

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MoonPaw looked around for a sign of red fluff in the crowd, but couldn't find any. As the sun was out.
"Do you know where CometPaw is? I don't see him." She looked toward RedPaw.
"Oh him? I left him behind, he was being a annoying grudge." He responded.
"Wait what!? But he's blind!"
"And annoying."
"Who's annoying?" Bloom looked back as they walked.
"RedPaw left CometPaw behind!" She explained.
"Go fetch him, ShadeKit needs somecat to guide him." MoonPaw ran off as soon those words ran out of Bloom's mouth. The ginger tabby was shaking his head to right to left.
"Are you okay? We should catch up to the clan-" MoonPaw paused as she turned her head toward a rogue.
"Who's that?!" She looked back to CometPaw.
"He was lost, he calls himself fuzz." He explained.
"We can't deal with rogues right now!"
"He's a loner actually. He brought some mice when he first saw me."
"I know I shouldn't interrupted, but who are you?" The loner had a long grey blond pelt, his eyes green, and had multiple scars.
"I'm MoonPaw, this is CometPaw, our clan is traveling at this moment, I don't know if you want to join though." She went forward to CometPaw, their flanks touching, and their tails intertwining.
"I'll follow, you two might want back up if you're going to travel." He insisted.
"I don't know if I can't trust you, and FrogStar will need to know about you." MoonPaw mewed.
"No need... I brought your friend some mice, and I will be following from afar, this FrogStar wouldn't even notice me!" He insisted again, and MoonPaw couldn't do anything expect exchange glances with CometPaw, expect CometPaw didn't pay attention. MoonPaw sighed.
"Alright, only from afar, I'll plan a way to introduce yourself to the clan." She guided CometPaw in a rush back to the crowd of cats as Fuzz stayed afar just as he said.
"There two you are!" Bloom mewed.
"MoonPaw! You dare run off without me and SunPaw!" RainKit ran toward her.
"Hey! Little watervole! Get over here!" RedPaw growled at the small kit.
"No! I want to fight the great dangers with MoonPaw and SunPaw!" RainKit replied.
"Well we aren't even nearby the great dangers! So get moving!" RedPaw grabbed RainKit by the scruff.
"But I don't want to!"
"Do you want to fight great dangers?" RedPaw grumbled, and RainKit stayed quiet.
"CometPaw, over here, help ShadeKit!" AshPaw looked back to MoonPaw and CometPaw.
"Well, hello again." SunPaw mewed behind MoonPaw.
"Oh quiet, be grateful you aren't up there." MoonPaw sighed.
"You two be quiet!" SwanLeap yowled over to them. They stayed quiet after that, and MoonPaw started to look around.
The mountains surrounded most territory, while a river lead to a cave, while the other two lived in plains with ThornClan, grass tall as HoundPaw, and many scents filled with prey, it seemed like a bad time to leave during Greenleaf. As the river ended through a couple thristles where it lead to the fox cave. FrogStar leaped above on a cliff, towering over the crowd.
"All cats of ThornClan, we'll need to help our elders and kits above the mountains, we have learned the cave has been blocked off. No cat can enter, so we shall climb." She announced, cats whispered.
"Quiet! We have all agreed to stay silent till we find a place to rest for the night." StarlingClaw hissed.
"I wish PatchKit was here..." Muttered CloudPaw.
"They are... Guiding our clan toward safety. SunClan watches over us, we are the ones traveling and they follow. They are the deceased and we pass on their story." VolePaw replied toward CloudPaw.
"Indeed VolePaw." LaurelBarry agreed, and VolePaw smiled toward CloudPaw.
"SunClan will always be with us. No cat will separate us from SunClan." VolePaw continued.
The crowd goes silent again, and MoonPaw watches her steps going up forward as the cloud seemed to get bigger. The grey stones and their patterns started to prickle MoonPaw's paws, as she wondered how CometPaw was doing than she looked toward her brother, he still had his lifeless expression. MoonPaw remembered the first time she saw SunPaw, she almost thought he was blind, but really he just never paid attention to many things, always focused on something else. It got quite annoying for MoonPaw, when she wanted to have a conversation with him.

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