Chapter 3

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Starlingclaw wandered around. The ground felt real, but he knew it was a dream. 

The hunting patrol was a couple days ago and a success.

A cat caught his eye. A oak-like pelt with a white belly, muzzle and a ginger paw, with his emerald eyes, Thristlestar.

"Starlingclaw? What are you doing here? This is where the stars rest. SunClan rises above us all. It is always there, and one day, the home of ours will consumed." The tom exclaimed.

"Thistlestar, Brindletail is expecting kits." Starlingclaw interrupted and brought up the sudden topic out of excitement. Starlingclaw realized it was random and not a great time to say.

Thristlestar deadpanned at his words, "Right. I would tell the others about that."

Thristlestar sighed, "Good talk, I guess. How is Corkstar and her siblings? Has Cormantstorm had her kits?"

Starlingclaw responded, "Great, actually. She is almost to her kitting."

Thristlestar smiled hopefully, "Torncloud would be happy, maybe even send a good omen to ensure the safety of their kits."

Starlingclaw nodded happily.

The dream started to fade, this was his third time talking with Thristlestar in his dreams.

Starlingclaw woke up in the warrior's den once again.

"Laurelbarry, can you take Spiderstripe to the vole-pool, or something like that?" Starlingclaw asked.

"Back to babysitting with that whining volebrain!" Laurelbarry was the previous mentor of Spiderstripe, due to her stern temper.

"Starlingclaw, Cormantstorm needs Nightblair quickly!" Brindletail insisted.

It must be about the kits, and after awhile. Nightblair told everyone to stay away from the nursery unless it was the nursery residents as he left to Corkstar.

Corkstar was the first to enter into the den, and exited with a smile.

"The clan shall rejoice, two new kits have been born, Moonkit and Sunkit. Frogcloud, you may enter," Corkstar headed back to her den, possibly to rest.

Frogcloud had the same smile, "Cormantstorm had been like a mother to me. Now I get to see her with this new litter of the clan, Moonkit and Sunkit will have a wonderful life as clanmates of Thornclan." FrogCloud looked excited, her tail was twitching with excitement. He knew, she wanted to mentor one of the kits. 

"Stormstone. You may enter the nursery." Frogcloud guided the elder to the nursery.

Stormstone looked pleased, as he left many cat had faces like his, and Starlingclaw adored Moonkit's dark pelt and Sunkit's white and greyish paws.

The clan had rejoiced for the arrival of the new kits.

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