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I couldn't sleep because of how nervous I was on meeting the lady today.

I got out of bed and made breakfast and we ate. We prepared, fixed everything needed and just waited for the legal team to arrive before we leave.

We where about to leave when the door bell rang. Opening it, it's one of the foundation workers, "hi Miss Daniels, we are ready when you are ready" he said to me,

"Yes I am, I will drive with the boy in my car so he can show the way, but we will have to go through the place I work cause I found him there" I said,

"Yes Mme, do you have any plan?" One of the female workers asked,

"Yes, so I will be with Vanessa and kaysha and the boy, when we get there, I will try to talk to her calmly and if she doesn't comply, then Kay or Vanessa will come out and call you guys in, you will provide her with all the documents and tell her the consequences if she doesn't let the boy go" I said,

"That's a good plan, we will be on standby, but rather than anyone come outside, we have Walky-talkies, you can just signal us to come inside" the female worker said,

"Good, thank you so much" I said, "no problem Mme it's our job and we love what we do" the other male worker said.

We proceeded into the different cars. Vanessa got in the back sit with Javon and Kaysha got in the front while I went over to the drivers side.

I looked on the front mirror so I could see the backseat, "you okay little buddy?" I asked him, "yes Mme, but I'm scared I don't want to go back" he said

"You won't go back, we will make sure of that" Vanessa answered him and I nodded

I started driving and so did the car that had the workers in it. I can't explain how I'm feeling right now, I feel nervous, but excited as well, I will do everything and anything to take this boy away from that household.

We later arrived at the destination and I went out of the car first.

It's a normal small house, with a small fence and a gate. I walked in and rang the door bell. First no answer then I got an answer after the second ring.

It was a little girl who opened the door, she looks like a ten year old girl,

"Hi how can I help you?" She asked me, "hi is your mum at home?" I asked her,

She nodded, "please can I see her?" I asked, "yes you can, but who are you?" She asked again,

"I'm Miss Daniels, tell her that I just want to talk to her about something urgent" I said and the girl nodded before closing the door and walking into the house.

The door later opens up again, this time a woman in her late thirties walks out, she has her hair in a messy bun and she has a long skirt on with a blouse, decent.

"Hi how can I help you?" She asks, "hi, I'm Elyssa Daniels, I'll like to talk to you about someone", I said, "who?"She asks,

I spoke in my walkie-talkie, "girls come with the baby" I said, the car doors opened and Kay and Van came out, Van carried Javon out of the car,

The moment the lady saw him she opened her eyes in shock, "do you know this boy?" I asked her,

"Y-y-es" she said shakily, "what's your relationship with him?" I asked again,

"H-he's my son" she said, "no he's not, he's not your son, cause if he was, you will be panicking looking for him, he has been gone since yesterday and you want to tell me you didn't notice?" I asked her and she didn't say anything

"Javon told us everything you did to him, if he's such a burden to you why didn't you give him away to an orphanage or social workers?" I asked her,

"Because he has to pay me for all what I did for his wretched mother, I feed him and so he has to work for it" she said

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