visiting my parents

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Once again I woke up to moving noises from the living room. I heard people laughing and talking.

I woke up, put on my robe and headed out to the living room. I found happy and crazy people. My squad; Mike, Chris, Kaysha and Vanessa were all talking and laughing but Derrick was just looking at the tv.

"why are you guys here so early?" i asked them, while leaning on the doorframe. At the sound of my voice they all turned and looked at me before laughing.

"Bitch, its 12pm". Vanessa deadpanned. I looked at the clock on the wall and yes, it was 12pm. "shit" i said rushing back into the room and preparing to leave.

I finished taking a shower, dressed up and gave up on doing my makeup because of the long ride awaiting me. For clothes I slipped on short leggings, an oversized t-shirts and flipflops.

I rushed back outside with my bag in my hand, my phone in the other, while heading for my keys that was sitting on top of the table, Kay's voice suddenly filled my ears. "Won't you even eat breakfast?"

I shook my head, "No, i have to go now, I don't wanna reach there at night. bye guys see you when i come back" i said to them. They all said bye and i left.

I got to the driveway, put my back in the trunk and got into the car before i reversed out of the parking lot and started my journey.


after driving for three whole hours without no stopping, i finally arived at my parents house. Since it was saturday, its either they where out somewhere or at home but i was certain they where home because i called my brother and asked him and he said they where home.

i parked beside my mums car and came out before taking my bag out from the trunk.

I walked to the front door before i sent my key into the knob and opened the door. "Mumsi, Popsi I'm here" i screamed from the living room. My mum later came running to me from upstairs before she gave me a sweet long hug. Oh my gosh i missed this.

My dad later came from his office under the staircase and hugged me too. "my girl you have grown so big baby" my mum said while holding my chicks "mumsi we haven't seen each other for only four weeks" we all laughed as i said that.

" we are so happy to see you" my dad commented . " and do you know who will be more happier to see you?" my mum asked me. I shook my head in a confused manner.

"Steven" my dad told me. Steven  is my older brother who has been married for two years now and has a six year old daughter. She is so adorable. Well you might be wondering how he has a six year old kid, so basically before him and his wife got married, she got pregnant then when the baby was four years old, they got married they are so happy together.

"No way!!!" i screamed looking at them. " yes way" my mum said. I jumped out of excitement and ran upstairs and kept my things before rushing back down. "where are you going" my mum asked me. " to the shop to get something for stephny" i said excitedly. Stephny is my niece.

I got out of the house and got into my car before driving out of the driveway to the store.

I got into the store and got her some Barbie dolls, With a cute pair of Nike and some chocolates before buying a gift bag to put them in it.

I went to the casa and paid before leaving to go back home. As I got back home I saw a car in the space where I parked but when I looked more closer at it, I realized it was Stevens car.

I quickly got out of my car and rushed in the house. As I opened the door this lovely bobbly little girl runs to me "Aunty!!" Stephny screamed as she ran to me. I dropped the bags I was holding and caught her before spinning her around

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