Chapter 27: Brothers In Arms

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----3rd POV----

As the bolt of lightning appeared in the other part of the city, Ruby and her team stood still for a moment. Until a King Taijitu appeared, breaking the team's trance as the snake knocked Ruby down, sending her crashing on her rear while the giant snake stood up to it's full height, fangs already showing.

Yang: "Ruby!" She yelled, trying to reach her, failing in the process as she got surrounded by a pack of Beowolves and Creeps, unable to escape. "Get. Out. Of. My. Damn. Way!" She shouted, eyes glowing red and hair going up in flames.

The giant snake was ready to embed it's fangs onto the Red reaper, but behind it, a silhouette of a certain Cart titan can be seen leaping towards them. 

The Red reaper was about to grab Crescent Rose and make a run for it, but that plan was brought down when an ancient Cart titan pounced on the King Taijitu, slamming its head on a rock before clamping it's jaws on the snake's neck, tearing it off and ending its life.

Blake on the other hand, saw a group of similar giants approaching from where the Cart titan came from.

Blake: "Wait..." She paused, eyes widening. "There's more?!" She exclaimed at the sight of the ancient jaw titans approaching them, with a lone pac-man jaw titan clinging onto a nearby building, with one of its eyes glowing.

Weiss: "This must also be Eren's doing...." She mumbled to herself. If she only knew that her guess was right. Looking over to her left, eyes also widening at the appearance of more giants, but this time, they all had different features. The others were armored in some way, white giants with all sorts of what seemed to be crystalized weaponry, there were also feminine giants amongst them.

Two of the ancient jaw titans went past the cart titan, slashing away at the pack of Beowolves, tearing them to shreds and releasing Yang who quickly got over to her sister, hugging her after.

Yang: "Ruby!" Was all she could say to her sister before hugging her a little too tight. "I'm so glad you aren't hurt."

Ruby: "Y-Yang... c-can't breathe..." She uttered.

Blake: "Guys, we have company." With that said, Yang broke her hug with her sister, with the remaining turning around and seeing all of the ancient titans, they were all at awe except for the Red reaper, who only had a smile on her face.

Ruby(Thoughts): "So this must be what Eren's other semblance is like."

Weiss: "So... many of them." She said with a lowly tone, seeing countless numbers of humanoid giants spread across the town, she thought if they were controlled by Eren, he could take over an entire city, possibly even claiming a kingdom of his own with them. Although she wasn't sure what the full extent of Eren's power was like, she had doubts that his power doesn't go near that far. Shrugging off the thought, she decided that she'll just ask him when they're done with handling the Grimm.

Ruby: "Alright team! Time to get into action!" She told them, twirling her scythe before planting it onto the ground.

After that, the team nodded and readied their weapons, joining the ancient titans of the past in exterminating the army of Grimm.

----Meanwhile, with Team JNPR----

Once Jaune's team have arrived to the location, they watched the scenery unfold before their very eyes, they glanced at Team RWBY and what seemed to be... more giants! 

They kind of looked similar to Eren's semblance, he told himself. All of them were killing off the Grimm present in the area, looking like they were assistants to the team of Huntresses. But his train of thoughts gets brought down as a Nevermore was seen to be approaching his team. 

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