Chapter 20: Arrangements being Made

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----3rd POV----

Team RWBY without the B were seen decorating the ballroom for the upcoming dance, so that when the dance starts, it'll be the night of their lives. 

Weiss and Yang are doing their tasks, however, their once optimistic leader just sat by a nearby table, completely gloomy and depressed while saying nothing before Weiss comes over to her with two seemingly same colored tablecloth.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth." She said, sliding the table clothes towards her leader.

Ruby: "Aren't they the same." She replied, still gloomy.

Weiss: "I don't even know why i asked." She grumbled before walking off.

Yang was seen carrying a giant speaker, she puts it down, resulting in a loud slam that bounced Ruby a little. Yang cleaned the dust off her palms as she walked over to her sister.

Yang: "So, have you picked a dress yet?" She asked.

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going." She said with a saddened tone.

Yang: "Oh, don't worry, she's going... Weiss! I thought we agreed, no doilies!" She exclaimed as she looked over to the Heiress.

Weiss: "If i don't get doilies, you don't get to use the fog machines!" She replied back, but was interrupted shortly as the doors opened, revealing Sun, Neptune, and Eren who had his hair down.

Neptune: "Your dance is going to have a fog machine?" He questioned.

Weiss: "We were thinking about it..." She answered uncertainly.

Eren: "You should probably add them, only for special effects that is."

Weiss: "Hmm... sure." She replied, smiling.

Sun: "So, are you ladies all excited to dress up?" He suddenly asked, grinning.

Ruby: "Pffftt... yeah, right!" She scoffed.

Yang: "Laugh all you want, i'll be turning heads tomorrow night!" She declared.

Weiss: "By the way, what are you guys going to wear?" She questioned, looking towards the male trio.

Sun: "Uhh.... this?" He responded, gesturing to his unbuttoned shirt.

While this was happening, Yang was currently in her thoughts as she contemplated about whose abs were more well-developed, Eren or Sun. Minutes passed, she finally came to an conclusion.

Yang(Thoughts): "Yep, Eren is definitely more ripped."

Neptune: "Ehem. Anyways, ignore him if he knows not what he says." He interrupted, shoving his hand in front of the monkey faunus.

Sun: "Hey, i may have moved to Mistral but i grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place." He stated, slapping away Neptune's hand.

Yang: "Yeah, i'm pretty sure we've all noticed that." She said.

Sun: "Sooo... what does Blake think all of this? She's still being all y'know.... Blake-y." He asked nervously as he scratched his head.

Weiss: "Obviously." She replied, crossing her arms in disapproval.

Ruby: "I still can't think of a way to change her mind." She added, still very gloomy. 

Yang: "Guys, trust me on this. Blake will be attending the dance tomorrow night." She informed.

Eren: "You'll probably succeed, not that i don't doubt it."

Eren Yeager, The Devil of Remnant (Attack On Titan S4 x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now