1-A meet again

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Shoto: Come on loves we dont want to be late are the kids in the car?

Katsuki: Yes they are lets go

Izuku whos in the car: GUYS COME ON WE DONT WANNA BE LATE!!

Katsuki to shoto: Last one there has to drive

*They both run to the car bakugo getting there first by a second*

Shoto: Eh it's fine i dont mind driving 

Izuku: I'm going back to sleep its 7am and it takes hours to get there 

Katsuki: I might do the same

*Izuku, Katsuki and the kids are asleep while shoto drives*

*a few hours later*

Shoto: Guys wake up guys we're here

Katsuki: Ugh okay I guess let's get this over with Izuku kids wake up 

Izuku: Nooooo I don't want toooo

Katsuki: i know but come on

Izuku:  fine kids wake up we're here

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