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Ilovechickennuggies sent 4 screenshots from UA staff chat

Ilovechickennuggies Enjoy the UA staff Hating Endeavour


Mr H4ndy man That is amusing

I'mavilliannotababysitter Yes, Indeed I mean i can't name one person who cares about him

Snowqueen 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Icythot 😂😂😂✨

Yes_But_N0 oh-my-god that's Hilarious 

NatsOoOoOo Pfttttt

Iloveblood</3  does this mean we can kill him?

Mr H4ndy man Yes. Let's do it

Snowqueen I'm showing those to inko and Mitsuki Lol :)

Your_local_burnt_emo Mom who taught you Lol? 

Snowqueen Katsuki and Izuku and the pink one

NatsOoOoOo That explains alot

Icythot You mean mina?

Snowqueen Yes! that's the one

Yes_But_N0 Well then, Lets go kill that flaming peice of trash :)

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