I4busekids and Snowqueen

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I4busekids Why are all the kids gay?????

Snowqueen Jesus Christ enji leave them alone it does not concern you does it?

I4busekids It does! if anyone found out shoto or Natsou is my child my reputation would be ruined

Snowqueen *clears throat* Excuse me? sorry, I'm curious of what reputation you think you have? the only one you have is being a shit father.

I4busekids How dare you, I'm still #2 and i can't have people knowing i have gay kids they wont make it far in the hero world

Snowqueen It wouldn't matter if you were #1 If you don't want to accept the kids just say it don't say its because your #2 it's clearly not and also the hero world is accepting i mean i've got to be honest they had to be pretty accepting to let you even become a hero in the first place let alone being #2.

I4busekids How dare you That's NO way to talk to Your husb-

Snowqueen EX husband

I4busekids I don't care either way it's still no way to talk to then #2 hero you need to watch your mouth rei

Snowqueen No YOU should watch yours, You realise i'm friends with the LOV right? I can make things happen once i send screenshots to them your dead so watch it

I4busekids Well the other pros will save m-

**Snowqueen has sent screenshots from the ua staff gc showing the pros dont care**

Snowqueen Sure looks like they'll 'care' face it enji they couldn't give two shits so watch. Your. Mouth or I'll text the LOV understood? 

I4busekids Whatever

Snowqueen Good 😊😇 Now if you'll excuse me I have more important things to be doing.

I4busekids Okay cool? goodbye

**Snowqueen is offline**

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