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(So fast forward most of the LOV are now in their mid 20's early 30's and the big three have been talking about having kids)

Izuku: "Well we have a few options"

Katsuki: "Okay, what are our options?"

Izuku: "We can adopt or get a surrogate"

Shoto: "I think adoption would be good cause there are so many kids that need help"

Katsuki: "Sho you're gonna have to call your brother-in-law and tell them none of them can be here for a few hours"

*Shoto calls Shigaraki*

Shigaraki: "Hello?"

Shoto: "Hi it's shoto"

Shigaraki: "Hey shoto, how can i help ya?"

Shoto: "Me, kats and izu are having an inspector over so we can adopt please tell the LOV to not come back for a few hours?"

Shigaraki: "Okay, i'll tell them good luck by the way!"

Shoto: "Thanks, speak soon!"

*They both hang-up and it isnt long before the inspector arrives*

Inspector: "Hello, you must be Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki?"

Katsuki: "Yes, Hello i'm Bakugo"

Deku/Izuku: "I'm midoriya"

Shoto: "And i'm todoroki"

*They move to let the inspector in after the inspection*

Inspector: "You have a lovley home, I'm sure some kids will love it I don't see any problems with it so i'll approve it!"

Deku/Izuku: "Thank you very much!"

*the inspector leaves*

Katsuki: "Well, that went well!"

Shoto: "Yep! i'm so excited!!"

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