Games night

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Dabi: "Hawks are the big three coming?"

Hawks: "Yup I invited them they should be here very soon :)"

*Shigarki is setting up the console with toga's help then theres a knock on the door*

Hawks: "I'll get it!" *He gets up and awnsers the door to see the big three*

Izuku/Deku: "Heya! so happy to see you again" 

*The three boys walk in to the base greeting everyone and then sitting down*

Bakugo: "So....How've you all bee since well you know the heros found your base"

Dabi: "Oh yeah, About that we are moving to a new base so that we are all safe of course we will send you the address so you guys can come and hang out with us still"

Bakugo: "Thanks"

Toga: "We've been pretty alright getting ready to move is kinda stressful though"

Bakugo: "I bet"

Shigarki: "I already found a place on the outskirts of town no-one ever goes there because it's a rough area kinda known to be housing villians so it's perfect"

Shoto: "So when do you guys move out of this place?"

Kurogiri: "Next week i believe"

Toga: "Yup next week"

Hawks: "I'm just moving in with them because i wanna live with Dabi and he needs to live with this Lot so"

*Natso appears*

Natso: "Heyyyy"

Shoto: "Hello"

Shigarki: "Hello love"

Natso: "I'm also moving in with them because i'm dating Shigarki and he's the leader of these idi- i mean guys so i'm moving in as well"

Toga: "Heyyyy! we're not idiots, we may not be the brightest bunch but we do have brains!"

Izuku/Deku: "Well-"

Bakugo: "Izuku no"

Shoto: "Izuku yes >:)"

Izuku/deku: "Izuku yes"

*Dabi facepalms*

Shigarki: "okay Mario Kart is set-up lets play!"

*they take turns to race against eachother and bakugo accuses whoever wins against him of cheating*

Izuku/Deku: "It's getting late c'mon guy's we are going to head home now it was nice seeing you all again Dabi be sure to text shoto the new address so we can come visit you all :)"

Bakugo: "Yeah Yeah bye people"

Shoto: "Goodbye everyone it was nice playing with you"

*The three boys get up gather their things and head home and go straight to bed*

Hawks: "C'mn dabi i'm tired too lets go to bed"

Dabi: "Finee" 

*Hawks and dabi say goodnight to everyone and go to dabi's room climbing into bed cuddling and soon falling asleep*

Toga: "I'm off to my room night guys!"

Twice: "Me too nice playing with you we should do it again, we totally shouldnt, aw man!"

*Toga and twice go to their rooms*

Natso: "Come on shiggy i'm tired too let's go to bed"

Shigarki: "Finee, Come on then"

*Shigarki and Natso go up to Shigarki's room and go to bed*

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