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Buzzbuzz Hey Babe, Wanna come over i got you a present 

Oxiclean You didn't have too i'm on my way <33

Buzzbuzz see you in a sec

**Shinsou arrives and knocks on denkis door**

Denki "Hey come in!"

*Shinsou walks in*

Shin "Heyy how are you"

Denki "I'm good, As i said i got you a present" *He pulls out  two boxes*

Denki *he hands one to shinsou and holds the other one*

*Shinsou opens the box to reveal a small black kitten*

Shin "Oh my god she's so cute!!!!!"

Denki "I know right!!! I'm glad you like her what should we name her?"

Shin "How about Mist"

Denki "That's a great name babe! Mist it is"

*Shinsou takes the cat out of the box and cuddles her*

Denki "I also got this, so a lil bit of backstory we've been together for 4 years and this is what i have been planning for a while" *He pulls out the small box and gets on one knee* Hitoshi will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?

Shin *Happy tears* Yes!!!! of course i will 

*Denki gets up and hugs shinsou*

Denki "i love you so much"

(imma make this a time skip that now they're already married cause, I'm lazyyy)

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