The new recruits

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(so this chapter is just kinda random but go with it also spoilers about dabi)

Bakugo: "we have a mission to do don't we? *the blonde sighed* we have to be focused it was the first time going to attack UA where some of us once studied and had friends i'm nervous in case someone notices who we are we dont want to get recognised by any of teachers otherwise all hell would break loose "

Shigaraki *sighing*: 
"Don't be nervous we'll be fine also we'll be needing your UA id's to get in without raising alarms shoto call Aizawa and ask to come and "observe" his class with bakugo and Izuku"

Deku/Izuku: "Okay, Sounds good to me"

Shoto: "Yep sounds good to me"

Bakugo: "Okay sure"

*Shoto calls Aizawa*

Shoto: "Hey Mr Aizawa"

Aizawa: "Hello, todoroki to what do i owe the pleasure"

Shoto: "Well for my, bakugo and deku's internships we have to observe the teaching done at UA and were wondering if we could come and observe one of your classes today"

Aizawa: "Sure, don't see why not"

Shoto: "Okay thanks Mr. Aizawa"

*they hang up*

Shigaraki: "Okay good now you have an excuse so I think we'll pay a visit to the class you supervise while toga, twice and spinner between them disable the alarms and distract the heros while me and dabi  make our way in to the classroom"

Shoto: "Endeavour is supposed to be in that class as well"

Dabi: "Oh great, I'm so excited"

Shigaraki: "Hawks pretend your there just speaking to heros or catching up with some of them Natsuo pretend you're waiting to pick bakugo, shoto and Izuku up"

Hawks: "Okay, that's fine"

Natsuo: "I can do that"

Shigaraki: "Izuku or shoto give me your ID for ua"

*Izuku gives Dabi his ID*

Deku/Izuku: "Make sure he doesnt dust it :)"

Dabi: "He wont i'll make sure he doesnt"

*They all head to ua in separate cars so that they werent suspected to be together Shigaraki just told kurogiri to teleport him there*

Shoto: "Here we are"

*Hawks, bakugo, izuku and shoto emerge from their cars*

Hawks in a lowered voice: "Make it look like this is a coincidence"

Deku/izuku: "Oh hey hawks! didn't expect to see you here!!!"

Hawks: "Hey! I didn't expect to be here either but i just thought i'd drop in you know the usual what are you three doing here?"

Bakugo playing along with it: "Oh we're here to observe Aizawa's class for notes for our...internships!"

shoto: "Yes, but i think we ought to be getting to the classroom now"

Deku/izuku: "Mhm! well we'll see you around Hawks"

*The three walk off sign in and walk straight to Aizawa's classroom knocking on the door*

Aizawa: "Today we have the pleasure of having the big three observing for an assignment from each of their agency's you can come in"

*Shoto, Izuku and Katsuki enter the room*

Shoto: "Hello everyone"

*the other two boys say hello before sitting towards the back of the classroom*

Aizawa: *teaching when he hears a commotion*

Shoto: "What was that?"

Aizawa: "I don't know but everybody get down just incase"

*Shoto then notices Endeavour stood in the corner and shoots him a glare*

Bakugo in a lowered vocie: "This is so annoying*

*everyone in the classroom hides underneath their desk*

Aizawa: "Just stay calm and quiet"

*bakugo gets a text from toga saying the alarms have been disabled and they are going to cut off the power and to warn izuku and shoto*

Bakugo whispering: "Pssttt deku, shoto"

*He shows them the message and they nod bakugo sends toga a thumbs u as a go ahead and the power shuts off*

Shigaraki: *kicks down the door*

Dabi: "Oh look Shig it's my 'Father'"

Shigaraki: "Oh that flaming peice of shit? in the corner? I feel bad for you"

Endeavour: "What an earth are you on about villians? Dabi is not my son"

Dabi: "Oh but i am father dearest the name Touya ringing any bells?"

Endeavour: "Touya is dead"

Dabi: "No i'm very much alive i faked my own death to get away from you"

Endeavour: "Prove it"

*Dabi says something only touya would have known*

Shigaraki: "How sweet he's pretending to care now anyway that's not what we're here for we've actually per request of Dabi and shoto's mother come to get shoto and his husbands and we'll be off sorry for the rather dramatic entrance we love to make a scene"

Dabi: "C'mon shoto, izuku and Katsuki we gotta go like now"

Shoto: "Stop rushing me or i'm telling mom!"

*Natsuo appears with hawks*

Natsuo: "Shoto c'mon"

*the three boys get up while aizawa looks gobsmacked*

Katsuki: "Touya you owe me starbucks for this!"

Izuku: "And me!!"

Dabi: " Fine, Fine I'll get you all starbucks now shut up and lets go!"

*they all dissapear everyone in the room was so confused*

Aizawa: "Why were the villians calling them by their first names..."

Endeavour: "To- dabi  married hawks, Natsuo married shigaraki and the big three are married to eachother meaning touya is their brother-in-law and Shigaraki is shoto's brother-in-law"

Aizawa: "Explains alot like why they were together"

*the villians return to base laughing*


Shigaraki: "ToUyA Is DeAd" *wheeze*

Shoto: *laughing uncontrollably*


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