Ilovechickennuggies and your_local_burnt_emo

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Ilovechickennuggies Hiii

Your_local_burnt_emo Hey, Thanks for today i'll get you some mcnuggets later if you want

Ilovechickennuggies YES <3

Your_local_burnt_emo Haha I'll be there soon

Ilovechickennuggies Yay :0 Can we cuddle pleaseeeeee

Your_local_burnt_emo Finee but only because you were good today :)

Ilovechickennuggies Yay!

Your_local_burnt_emo Keigo you're aware you sound like a 3 year old right now right?

Ilovechickennuggies Yes :D and I'm happy/surprised you said yes to cuddles

*there was a knock on hawk's door*

Keigo: "Come in!"

Dabi: "Heya Handsome i got your chicken nuggets" 

*dabi hands Keigo the box of nuggets( and he happily eats them*

Keigo: "Thank youu!"

Dabi: "No problem :)"

*they walk to the large sofa and Keigo basically rugby tackles dabi into a hug*

Dabi: "Yes i missed you too"

Keigo: "You're so warm" *Happy hawks noises*

Dabi: "Awww~"

*Keigo wraps his wings around dabi and cuddles him*

Dabi: "Looks like someone missed my cuddles hmm?"

Keigo: "Yes i did"

Dabi: "You're so cute kei"

Keigo: "And so are you"

*Dabi starts to play with Keigo's hair*

Dabi: "You give such good cuddles"

Keigo: "So do you"

Dabi: "You look tired you should rest"

Keigo: "It's fine don't worry"

*Dabi starts humming softly*

Keigo: "Your voice is so calming/soothing you're lucky"

*Dabi chuckles and goes back to humming*

Keigo: *Yawns*

*Dabi smiles and hums starting to play with keigos hair again*

Keigo: *falls asleep*

Dabi whispering: "Sweet dreams baby"

*Keigo wakes up a few hours later*

Keigo: "I didn't know you had a soft side babybird~"

Dabi: "Oh shut up! i only did it so you could sleep"

Keigo: "Seeeee you've got a soft spot"

Dabi: "Maybe, Maybe not"

Keigo giggling: "To be or not to be that is the question"

*Dabi starts laughing as well*

Dabi: "Wow didn't know you liked Shakespeare"

Keigo having a laughing fit: "I don't"

Dabi: "i- Are you good-"

Keigo: "Yes *wheeze* I'm great"

*Keigo calms down and takes deep breaths before bursting out laughing for no reason*

Dabi: "You weirdo"

*he stops laughing calming down*

Keigo: "I am a weirdo but i'm your weirdo so i don't care :)"

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