The escape-

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Nezu: "Are you three okay?!"

Deku: "Yes, We're fine"

Bakugo: "Yeah"

Todoroki: "I want sobaaa"

Deku: "Sho we'll get it later"

Nezu: "I'm glad you three are okay where are the other pros?"

Bakugo: "They went on a Vacation to spain where the fuck do you think they are?!?"

Deku: "Katsuki Langue"


Todoroki: "Katsuki bakugo"

Bakugo: "....Fine, Sorry"

Todoroki whispers to bakugo: "Good boy~"

Bakugo blushing: "Oh shut it!"

Nezu: "The pro's are still fighting?"

Deku: "Yes"

*About half an hour later the pro's come out*

Hawks walks over to the boys and quietly says: "The Lov are fine kurogiri is taking care of them..."

Deku: "Good, I'm glad to hear it"

*Hawks walks away*

Todoroki: "Am i the only one who didn't hear what he said?"

Bakugo: "I didn't hear either"

Deku whispers: "The LOV should be fine Kurogiri is taking care of wounds"

Todoroki: "Good"

Bakugo: "What do you want me to say congratulations You survived?" 

Deku: "Enough with the sarcasm Kat or i'll call auntie!"

Bakugo: "You wouldn't dare"

Deku: "Don't test me my love"

Bakugo: "Tch"

Todoroki: "Can you stop fighting please?"

Deku & Bakugo: "Yeah, Sorry Sho"

Todoroki: "It's fine now lets go talk to the heros and give them sob story"

*The boys walk over to Aizawa*

Aizawa: "You three okay?"

Bakugo: "Yeah we're fine"

*The other two boys nod in agreement*

Aizawa: "Glad to hear it Still big targets though Huh?"

Deku: "Guess so"

Todoroki: "I just want soba"

Bakugo: "I want more spicy food"

Deku: "Fine. Fine we'll go get food Mr.Aizawa I'll see you around"

Aizawa: "Stay out of trouble you three"

Todoroki: "We will bye!"

*The three boys went out and got food waited a few hours to go back to the LOV base*

Hawks: "Howdy strangers"

Bakugo: "Tch Sup' "

*deku nudges bakugo* "Kacchan be nice!"

Todoroki: "Everyone okay?!"

*All of the LOV nodded*

Deku: "Good"

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