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Ehhhhhh!? No way! No way!!!! I want to come along!" Anne screams.

"Stop it! Don't you realize you're a burden to us? You should be grateful we're even paying for your ticket," Polnereff says.

And with that, Anne was no longer a part of the group but I knew I would never forget her for all the times she was there.


Y/N's Pov

We were now stuck in another car once again letting Polnereff drive and I was sitting between the same two from before sandwiched by muscular arms.

"How'd you get a new uniform Jotaro?" I asked the princely boy sitting next to me in the car.

"I got it on the way here, you were probably busy teasing a certain someone as usual?" Jotaro says with a slight glint in his eyes.

"Psssshhhhh me? I would never tease anyone~" I say dragging out the last sound.

Kakyion gives me a harsh side eye before chuckling and giving me an adorable smile. I feel a tug on the corners of my lips and smile back at him as well.

" Anyways, I can't believe you were able to get a Japanese school uniform tailored in Pakistan... It fits great my grandson!"Mr. Joestar says with a cheesy smile.

"It's 100 percent wool, " Jotaro replies with a slight smile.

I lean toward Kakyoins ear, " Is it just me, or is Jojo kind of baby girl?" 

Kakyoin chokes a bit and laughs at my sudden remark," Y/N I think you're onto something..."

We look at each other before laughing once again. I look down at my hands before the sad feeling hits once again.

"I want my bat back..." I say quietly.

Polnereff? Are you okay driving? The fog is getting kind of thick." Kakyoin says with a hint of worry in his caring voice.

"Yeah, it's a little dangerous... I mean there's not even a guardrail on this cliff," Polnereff says furrowing his eyebrows while focusing on the foggy view.

"The fog rolling in, I say we make a stop besides it is not even 3 o'clock yet," Mr.Joestar adds.

"Yeah, it's probably best to stop before nightfall," Jotaro hums at my response to his grandfather in agreement.

"Oh, nice look at that town up ahead!" Polnereff says with a happy gleam in his eyes.

"Hey, maybe they'll have some nice hotels?" Kakyoin says making Polnereff's eyes light up at the thought.

"I want a hotel with a nice bathroom!" Polnereff says speeding up a bit, "I don't hope for those Western Asia bathrooms though, those pigs in the toilets were a total nightmare that I definitely don't want to witness again," Polnereff adds with a slight shiver down his back.

"Looks like we made it to Pakistan,  I wonder what we'll see here.

"Hopefully not enemies," Polnereffs says with a tired sigh.

"There's so much fog," Jotaro says pointing out the window.

"What the hell is up with this weather!" Polnereff complains.

Suddenly my eyes land on a pole with a dead dog sliding down it slowly.

"What the fuck! Is that a dead dog!?" I say as a sick shiver goes down my back.

"It's a pretty nice town, must be a couple of thousand people there's bound to be a hotel here somewhere," Mr. Joestars says not noticing the dog's corpse as we pass by.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Where stories live. Discover now