"what an interesting eye color"

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I see Kakyoin fall in front of us and cough up loads of blood. My eyes soften at his now pain expression. Jotaro walks over to Kakyoin and throws him over his shoulder.

"Lets go." He says bluntly as he jumps out the window.

"What the actual fuck just happened." I say also jumping out the window.



We finally make it over to Jotaro's house, in somewhat of a rush. As we make way towards the gate my eyes widen at the size of the house. 

"Holy shit..." I breath out quietly.

It had a stone path leading to the steps of the house. There was sakura trees decorating the grass beside us and the house's floors where a beautiful amber from the sun shining on it so much. The house itself was decorated with a dark green roof similar to Kakyoin's uniform. We make it up to the steps to hear a woman's voice.

"Oh! I just felt my son!" The woman says clutching a photo of some sort.

"He must be thinking about me at school!" She says beaming in joy.

"No I'm not." Jotaro replies shortly.

"Hello ma'm," I say waving.

"Jotaro what about school?! Who is t-that your holding! H-he's covered in blood!" She says clutching the photo closer to her chest.

"None of your business, why is this house so damn big! I need to find the old man," He says repositioning Kakyoin on his shoulder.

"Oop guess we gotta go... see ya!" I say jogging up to Jotaro.

"You brought a girl home Jotaro!" she says in shock.

"Oh! He's probably in the tea room with Mr. Avdol!" She's pointing to a hall.

We walk towards the long hall but suddenly Jotaro stops for a second.

"Hey," he says look back at his mother.

"Y-yes?" His mother says eagerly.

"Your looking a little pale, you okay?" Jotaro asks.

"Yes son! I'm fine thank you!" She says in a singsong voice.

We make it to the tea room to see an older man with gray hair and a sweater sitting in the corner of the room. Another man with darker carmel skin and golden earrings sits next to the older man staring at at sudden appearences.

"Who is that?" Avdol says pointing to the bloodied Kakyoin.

"AND WHO IS THAT?!" the old man yells out pointing to me.

"Some servant of Dio, and this girl helped me defeat him," Jotaro says pointing at me.

Jotaro lays Kakyoin on a nearby mat as the two men from the corner walk over to Kakyoin's unconscious body. The older man grabs Kakyoin's arm and puts two fingers on his wrist checking his pulse.

"This is no good," The old man says pulling his hand away.

"Wait! Is he gonna die!" I say clenching my bat a little harder.

"Unfortunately, yes... he'll die in a few days," The old man says looking at the floor.

The man puts his hand on Kakyoin's forehead and looks back at Jotaro and I.

"You both did your best, this is not your fault!" The man says still resting his hand on Kakyoin's forehead. 

"Do you know why?" The old man asks us.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Where stories live. Discover now