The French mf

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"Huh isn't it weird... this would be my third plane crash now," Mr. Joestar says earning very disturbed looks.

"Oh boy." Kakyoin breaths out as sweat forms on his cheek bone.

"I'm never riding with you again," Jotaro's says with a disappointed look.

"Three! Holy shit this is gonna be my first!" I say laughing a little.


"My legs are tired and my stomach says its gonna kill someone if it doesn't eatttt" I say clutching my stomach.

"Hello there pretty lady! Would you like some rice porridge?" He says holding a bowl close to my face.

"HELL YEAH!" I say almost launching myself at the man.

"There's some hot cola too!" The man says holding more food in front of my face.

"Hey, Y/N close your mouth, you're gonna start drooling," Kakyoin says holding my shoulders gently.

"Hong Kong is known for its popular rice porridge, we should get the country egg and sausage-" Kakyoin starts.

"No! We're going to one of my best restaurants here!" Mr. Joestar says dragging us to a random ass restaurant.

Time skip brought to you by King Crimson

"As you wish but.. if we don't find Dio within 50 days... Ms. Kujo's life is in grave danger we must keep that in mind!" Avdol says as Jotaro and Mr. Joestars eyes darken.

I look at the white table in front of us with somber eyes as I remember what we're actually here for. Kakyoin noticed my changed expression and gently lifts my hand.

"You okay, Y/N?" he asks with a gentle expression.

He looks at my face with a worried expression as holds my hand a little tighter. I smile at his actions earning those violet eyes to look further into mine.

"Kakyoin," I say interrupting his train of thought and causing him to blush a little.

"Y-yes?" Kakyoin says now holding my hand with both of his.

"The first time I met you..." I pausing watching for his reaction.

The poor boy's face flares up in either excitement or embarrassment. His hold falters a bit as he stares at my E/C eyes waiting for an answer. I quickly grab his chin and pull it down a little causing him to blush even more

"I thought you were quite the charmer~"  I say holding the er sound a little longer.

"H-how so?" He says stumbling on his words, his eyebrow furrowing in embarrassment.

I let go of his hands and lean back in my chair while my bat rests in my lap.

"I think I'll save that for another time, but what I can tell you... is that your an interesting one," I finish shifting my gaze to Jotaro and Mr. Joestar.

"The true peril we face... are the stand users sent by Dio, how do we go about this?" Mr. Joestar asks looking at the four of us.

I look to Jotaro following his expressions carefully, he looked calm for the most part as he stared at Kakyoin who was receiving more tea from the waitress.

"That's interesting Kakyoin I didn't know you-" Jotaro starts as man with silver hair comes up to our table.

"Excuse me, sorry to be a bother, I'm a traveler from France. I can't read this chinese menu could you perhaps help me?" The man with silver hair and fair skin asks.

"Get the hell outta here," Jotaro says glaring at the tall male standing near out table.

"Oh, Jotaro don't be so rude! I've been to Hong Kong enough to read a menu at least.." Mr Joestar says grabbing a menu from the table.

I glance at Jotaro who still has a cautious look towards the man. The silver haired man takes a seat right next to me and grabs my free hand suddenly.

"Bonjour jolie demoiselle, has anyone told you how pretty those E/C eyes of yours are?" He says holding my hand a little tighter.

"Um.. I don't remember if anyone has I guess... why do you ask?" I say plainly rest my bat on my neck tapping it lightly.

"Oh mon! Because they are absolutely magnifique!" He says bringing my hand to his lips.

"Ayo!" I say pulling my hand back a bit not used to French people accustoms.

He lets go of my hand from the sudden outburst and stares at my face once again.

Nobody's POV

The silver haired man locks his eyes onto Y/N's closed off posture, her ankle on top of the other as she lightly swings her legs ignoring the mans gaze. Y/N turns her head back to Jotaro who was staring at the silver haired man not caring if he was good or not. He stared at the man out of bitterness towards the whole situation. He looks at Kakyoin who had also been staring at the strange Frenchman. Kakyoin rests his chin on his propped up hand feeling bitter at he man as well.

"I get bad vibes from that guy... even if he's good I still don't like him!" both Jotaro and Kakyoin think still glaring at the man.

The food finally makes it to the table but, nothing that they'd ordered was there. Jotaro tips his hat in embarrassment of his grandfather. Kakyoin looks to Y/N who was laughing at the older man. Avdol shook his head in disappointment. The silver haired man stares at the H/C haired girl's smile that was slowly brightening the room.

"Well that will have to do! This is all on me dig in everybody!" Joseph says laughing with Y/N.

Y/N eats an entire plate before anyone even glances in her direction. Her bat rolled next to Kakyoin's ankle alerting him of it's presence. He picks it up and smiles at the thought of it's owner. He hands it to Y/N who had her torn jacket cast aside. Jotaro smiles at the sight of Kakyoin and Y/N getting along. There was no doubt in his mind that those two were his favorites, though he would never admit it.


"IS THAT A SMILE I SEE!!" I say pointing my chopsticks at Jotaro.

Everyone looks at Jotaro who now had an angry look on his face. As if I had just offended his entire religion.

"My grandson smiling!?" Mr Joestar jokes laughing at the situation.

"Good grief woman..." Jotaro's says pulling his hat down once again.

Kakyoin and I chuckle at his reaction wanting to poke at him more.

"These people are quite talented! It's a pity to eat..." The silver haired man says gaining all of our attentions.

"This slice of carrot I say... the star shapes seems so familiar..." the silver haired man says as his expression darkens.

"I know someone who was a mark just like this on his back," He finishes holding the star next to his neck.

I pull my bat up instinctively ready to knock his lights out at any time.

"You! You are an enemy!" Kakyoin says pointing to the man.

Avdol flips the table at the mans words as his stand comes out in a fury of fire. I grip my bat tighter wanting to join. Jotaro pulls me behind him and Kakyoin covering my line of sight.

"Magician's Red!"  Avdol yells as and eagle screech sores through my ears.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Where stories live. Discover now