"How 'bout I show you my stand's world!"

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"Or something like that I assume," He says still talking.

"After training my body I can last up to six minutes and twelve seconds!" He says looking with a snarky smirk.

"Enough talking, more fighting!" I say as my stand charges at the man.


"IN ANY CASE!" The man yells as DBM (Dark blue moon) Swings at my stand with incredible speed. My stand barely dodges and he ends up hitting the ship's propeller.

"DBM is strong enough to destroy the ship's engine propeller, and before you say anything else, take a look at you and your stand!" He says pointing at our bodies.

The barnacles were all over my arms and a bit was forming on my stomach. I look at my stand to see the same thing happening to her as well.

"Your stand's strength is being sucked away! You should be able to feel its effect now!" He says laughing.

I feel my air leaving me fast, I book it for the surface but his stand starts creating a whirlpool stopping me.

"Son of a bitch!" My stand says for me.

Sharp scales cut deep small lines into my skin, my uniform shredding little by little. Even my skirt was getting cut up. 

Nobody's Pov

"She hasn't come out of the water yet!" Jotaro says still looking at the ocean's dark waters.

"And a whirlpool appeared!" Polnereff adds.

"I can't even make out their bodies! Where is Y/N!?" Kakyoin says gripping the railing.

"I'm gonna save her!" Kakyoin says pulling out his Hierophant Green.

His stand makes way to the ocean's treacherous waters fast, but the ocean filled with sharp scales cuts his hand up immediately. 

"There scales! The stand has scales! They're razor-sharp!" Kakyoin says holding his bloodied hand.

He stares at the sea before turning away clenching his teeth in anger.

"There are tons of scales in the water! If any of us jump in we'll be killed!" The old man says shocked.

Y/N Pov

"These damn scales! They tearing up my uniform!" I glare at the man below.  

"Let me guess what you're thinking right now! There is a spot in the whirlpool that doesn't move! I can attack if I reach there! Hehe! I'm right, aren't I! That must be what you're thinking right now!" The man says having a giggly fit.

"Why don't you try it I'll gladly wait for you to come do-" I interrupt him by jumping into the safe zone myself.

I grab his head and his eyes and body freeze on the spot. My leg that was about to kick him comes to a stop as I examine what just happened.

"What the hell?" I poke the guy's cheek but he doesn't react.

"Ah! Whatever!" I say as I point at the man.

"Kick his ass!" my stand immediately obeys and starts pummeling him.

His eyes finally blink and shock takes his face.

"How... did... you get here so fast!" He yells between punches.

"I've been here for a good minute what are you talking about?!" My stand says still pummeling him.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Where stories live. Discover now