Wheel of Fortune

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"When we get to the border, get her a plane ticket and some money at the airport and ship her back to Hong Kong," Jotaro finishes releasing his hand off my mouth.

Anne stares at Jotaro as I sigh closing my eyes a little.

"Oh boy... this is gonna be a long ass ride..." I say leaning back a little.


Y/N Pov

"You know I'm a girl so I'll have to wear a bra soon and look good for the boys... I would look pathetic if I was traveling around the world at that age, that's why I'm taking the chance now! To run away from home and see the world! Don't you think so?" She says making a vein appear on my forehead.

"Pathetic traveling around the world at that age? You do realize that the world doesn't revolve around looking good for "boys" right?" I say glaring at her a little.

"Of course it does! Don't you woo Kakyoin and Jojo all the time!? I wanna be like you!" She says making my eyes widen.

"Woo!?" Kakyoin says blushing at Anne's blatant statement.

"Good grief..." Jotaro says turning his head to the window.

"Good grief is right... Anne, I may flirt with these two a lot but there's more to me than just flirting child!" I say grabbing her shoulders gently.

"I know you fight random people all the time! Oh, and you can walk on water!" She says with starry eyes.

"See that's way cooler than some dumb flirting! You forgot to mention one thing though!" I say smiling at her as we we're sitting between Kakyoin and Jotaro in the back of the car.

"You should get your hands on a good bat like this one," I say holding up my bat proudly.

She touches my bat gently before looking back up at me.

"Is this what you beat people with?" She asks sitting a little lower.

"Yeah this is my greatest possession, if someone were to ever break it I would break their face," I say smirking a little.

Suddenly the speeds up greatly making me fall forward a bit again.

"This is the fucking reason I should be driving!" I yell looking behind us to see that car from before.

"It's the car we passed by earlier, looks like he's in a hurry," Jotaro says plainly.

"It was so slow before! Now it's tailgating!? What the hell!?" Polnereff says furiously stepping on the pedal again.

"Polnereff just let him pass!" Mr. Joestar says tapping his shoulder.

"Tch..." Polnerff signals the man to go in front of him.

The car speeds in front of us before slowing down again making everyone's eyes widen a little.

"Huh!? Hey, what are you doing!? I let you pass so hurry up and go!" Polnereff shouts at the man in front of us.

"Polnereff maybe they're mad because you were driving so recklessly earlier," Kakyoin says making a good point.

"Did you see the driver's face?" Jotaro asks.

"No, the windshield is pretty dirty, so I couldn't see him," Polnereff says sighing a little.

"This guy's gotta be a stand user or... just some asshole, but either way once you're in front of him again I got a surprise," I say leaning towards Polnereff's seat.

"Be careful Polnereff..." Mr. Joestar breathes out.

Suddenly the driver's window opens up. A muscular arm peaks out signaling us to move forward.

Candy Land (Stardust Crusaders x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz