I hopped into my car without a place in mind to go. I pulled out my phone in search for a nice place for lunch. Once I found one, I started my car and headed towards the location. It wasn't too far. I didn't want to drive too far off in case the office calls. At least I could still drive over in a short time.

I found a parking lot fast as I managed to avoid the lunchtime crowd, I walked out and headed towards the roll of shops.

"Twenty Seven.. Twenty Seven.. Ah! There it is," I mumbled to myself as I search for the cafe, Twenty Seven.

The cafe was empty except for a few people scattered using their phones. The interior was calming, the walls and ceiling were decorated with plants and flowers. The lighting set the perfect mood to relax.

"Hi, good afternoon Miss! What can I get you today?" A cheerful voice greeted me as I walked deeper into the cafe and towards the counter.

"Hi, I...." I was in awe but the owner of the voice. She had beautiful big eyes which sparkled, a smile that stretched across her face. She's beautiful.

"Miss? Miss? Are you alright?" She was waving her hand in front of me.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I... I kind of spaced out. Sorry about that," I apologised in embarrassment.

"It's okay!" She let out a giggle that caused me to smile. "So what can I get you?"

"Erm.. It's my first time here. Do you have anything to recommend?" I asked as I looked down the menu.

"If you're into something healthy, the toasts with avocado and eggs are awesome. If you want something to screw up your diet, I'd go for the cheeseburger and fries," She proposed.

"I'll take the cheeseburger and fries then!" I laughed. I wanted a cheat day, after all, I have had been having too much salad at work due to my tight schedules.

"Good choice! What drink would you like?" She asked as she keyed my order in.

"Can I have the mango fizz please?"

"Sure! That would be $14.90 please." I grabbed the bills from my wallet and handed them to her.

"Please take a seat and I'll bring over your order shortly." I didn't know if should introduce myself. What if she thinks I'm a creep?

"Thank you," I smiled and went over to a seat by the window and settled myself down.

I was still pondering on Jisoo's words from the night before as I looked out the window. I really do need to sort out my priorities.

"Hi, here's your order." I looked up and saw the girl earlier with the same bright smile standing in front of me. "Cheeseburger and fries plus mango fizz." She said as she placed them in front of me.

"Enjoy! If you need anything else, feel free to look for me at the counter." She paused for a moment and I could see her hesitating on something but she stayed quiet and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I called out. My mouth was acting faster than my brain. She turned and gave a questioning look.

"Sorry, what's your name?" I asked as confidently as I could.

"Lisa." She smiled.

"I'm Jennie, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for this," I replied.

"It's nice to meet you too, Jennie. I'll leave you to have your lunch." I watched as she returns to the counter.

I haven't had something this tasty for such a long time. This meal is so sinful but screw it. I deserve this after all the stress I've been having.

As I finished my burger, I noticed I was the only one left. Lisa seemed busy with her paper work while another staff out here was changing some lightbulbs.

"Lisa.." A voice called out to her and I see a man walking up to her.

"What do you want?" The smile Lisa had fell from her face.

"Please, can we talk?" The man pleaded.

"No. I think I've made it very clear. We're done. Stop coming here."

"It was a mistake. I can change. Please, give me one more chance," He grabbed her hand and all I want was to take her away.

Lisa yanked her hand back, "A mistake? I caught you in bed with another women 3 times!"

"What did you expect? You didn't want to have sex and I have needs," He defended himself.

"Then stop looking for me, you won't get it from me anyway," Lisa spat back.

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. Lisa please, I can change."

"Enough Jungkook. Leave me alone. I never had any feelings for you. The only reason why I agreed to date you was because my mother asked me to. I felt miserable trying to pretend that I had feelings. So please, stop," Lisa said as tears threatened to fall.

With a defeated look, the man turned around and left without saying another word.

"Hey Lisa, you okay? I can take care of things out here?" Her colleague who like me, witnessed the exchange asked.

"No, no. I'm okay, don't worry." I watched Lisa take a deep breath and walked back behind the counter and continued with her work.

<Ring Ring!>

"Hello Chu? Yeah sure. I'll come get you in 10 minutes." Jisoo was done with her work and asked to go for a movie. Since I didn't have any plans, I decided to meet her.

I was heading towards the door to exit. But I really wanted to see Lisa again. So I walked around the tables that would pass the counter.

As I approached closer, she looked up and smiled at me.

"I'm going to be back for the cheeseburgers again," I didn't want to make it obvious that I will be coming back because of her.

"Hahaha! Try the double next time?" She suggested.

"Absolutely!" I smiled back at her. "I'll see you soon?"

"You know where to find me." Was she flirting? I didn't dare read too much into it.

I left the cafe with the biggest smile that I actually felt my cheeks hurting.

"I was wondering, do you have anything on next Friday evening?" Jisoo asked as we were having dinner after the movie.

"The project would be closed by then so I'm free. At last!"

"Come over to mine for dinner? I would like to introduce Rose to you. And she's bringing her best friend too," Jisoo said the last part softer.

"So you're setting me up?" I enquired.

"Not exactly. We were talking about how our best friends are hot and single. And I've been wanting to introduce you to her anyways. So.. It kind of fits?" Jisoo explains. "You don't have to date her best friend Jen. It's just a dinner so that you know who I'm dating and for her best friend to know me too."

"Hahaha. Relax. I'll be there," I agreed. "I met someone today actually?"

"What? That's fast!" Jisoo said in surprise.

"What I meant is I saw the most beautiful woman, to me." Jisoo kept silent, waiting for me to continue. "I went to a cafe before I met you. She works there. I kind of understand what you meant when you said Rose is the type you never knew you'd fall for."

"Oh my god?"

"I know. I've only seen her once today. But I don't know..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "I hope to see her again."

"Bring me there the next time you go!" Jisoo said excitedly.

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