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Dew opens the door to your room and is greeted by lyra. she meows and stretches at his feet effectively blocking his way in. "move honey" he says in a kind voice as he shoos her with one of his feet.

lyra finally complies and allows dew to walk to your bed and tuck your sleepy self in, now comes the next obstacle, lynch.

Dew notices that it is cold in your room, the cool fall air just circulates thought your room. It is especially cold for a fire ghoul.

So he decides to get some more blankets. He starts to search you room and finally finds some. He turns around to put them on your bed only to find Lynch sprawled out there.

"You gotta move buddy" dew says while pathetically trying to shoo him with the blankets. Lynch hisses and stands his ground, dew growls back wich further angers lynch.

Eventually dew picks lynch up with the blankets and tosses him on the ground. He puts the blankets on the bed and then turns to take his pants and shirt off so he can comfortably crawl into bed with you.

He strips and turns around to get in just to find the little asshole back on the bed. He tries to just slide in next to you but lynch isn't having it. He won't let dew anywhere near you.

Eventually dew just says fuck it and slides in anyways. After a bit of lynch mauling dew and dew battling the stupid cat lynch gives up and allows dew to lay next to you.

You cuddle up to him and murmur something into his chest.

"Hmm?" Dew questions

You murmur something unrecognizable again and dew just giggles.

You cuddle up closer and closer until you are practically on top of him

"Are you cold?"

"No" you say sleepily

"Then why are you on top of me?"

"Your nice and warm" you state matter-of-factly. "Your a good heater, you know that?" You murmur

"I am a fire ghoul" dew chuckles

"Why are you so territorial over me?" You ask not thinking and out your question.

No response

It's silent for a bit, "because your mine" dew replies.

"Who says?"

"I do" dew States

You just giggle and drift off to sleep.

Dew clutches you closer and drifts off too

***I am so sorry this chapter is so short, I was hella busy today and then a lovely person told me that I was spelling Aether's name wrong so I had to fix it in all 22 chapters, wich doesn't sound like a long time but it took ages. So sorry, there will be a longer chapter tomorrow, love y'all!!

Word count: 400***

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