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it was about 2:00pm, you had kitchen duty today, how fun...

news flash, it was not. it was the most hated chore in the clergy because you have to clean dishes. witch entails digging your fingers through  other peoples food and cleaning the dishes that they slobbered on...ew

sure you had gloves but it still didn't ease your mind. and this was all because you lost a game of rock ,paper, scissors against Swiss.

but this chore gave you time to think of you master plan, you were going to teach the boys not to challenge you. you were going to tease them until they lost, it couldn't be that hard right?

after finishing the worst chore ever you head to the library just to check up on things. 

you open the library doors and breathe in the fall scent, the smell of leaves and pumpkin spice circulate the room.

the library is your happy place, it has all the comfort you need while being such a tranquil place, its honestly magical.

as you inhale and exhale you feel all of your muscles relax.

after chilling in the library you head up to your room to change out of your damp dishwashing clothes.

you change into a pink lace bralette and thong with a simple, black cocktail dress over it. you add your doc martins and check yourself out in the mirror. man...you look good-not good- fucking smoking hot.

you decide to wander around the clergy to find a ghoul to fuck with. after a wile of wandering you run into papa, not exactly your plan but oh well.

"hey y/n"

"hey papa!" you say happily

"what are you up to?" papa asks

"just looking for some ghouls" you say nonchalantly

"oh, I believe some of them are in the commons, also speaking of ghouls-"

'what? on shit am in trouble for  the challenge?!' you panic

"why didn't you invite me to the challenge?" papa asks sadly

"oh papa." you say sadly "I didn't know you wanted to be a part of it, I always thought you were a little too innocent to be part of such a challenge" you explain "you are more than welcome to participate though." 

"innocent?" papa questions "you surly didn't think that at the ritual" 

your face heats up "I-"

"well, see you later y/n" papa says as he slaps your ass as a goodbye and laughs

you brush it off and head to the commons, and lo and behold, there is a swarm of ghouls, well not exactly. there are only 3, de, aether, and mountain, but dew and aether together is bad news. dew and Aether are fighting while mountain just watches amused. idiots

you walk past them, feeling your tiny dress ride up more, displaying more of your ass. you walk, swaying your hips and with a little more bounce. effectively making you look like a striper, or whore, witch ever your prefer.

dew and Aether stop arguing and look at you in awe. mountain just observes you. you try  not to laugh at the immature boys and sit down at one of the single chair tables, still in view of the boys. 

you spread your legs a bit, fully aware that you are fully in view of them. and then cross your legs, basically giving them a perfect view of your bright pink thong. if this was a cartoon their eyes would be popping and bulging out of their head.

you can see dew's glamor falter, turning from a normal human skin tone, to grey, then back to normal. you just smile and wave.

aether is looking in awe, you can see his shoulders turn to a dark red blush. mountain is mostly stoic, just looking you up and down, but you can tell your bothering him. in all the right ways of course.


***I think I might start a new story, it's prob gonna be about the ghouls, but they are more animalistic 😏but don't you worry, I will def still be updating and working on this story. Love y'all
word count: 620***

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