Working Hard or Hardly Working?

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you wake up from your midday nap to the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"come in!" you yell. dew is still sound asleep, being the big spoon of course.

you slide out of dew's arms and go to the door to see who it is. you open the door since whoever is out here clearly didn't hear you. 

you crack the door, "Hello?- Oh hi Swiss!" you say enthusiastically as you open the door the rest of the way.

"Hi-woah!" swiss says and covers his eyes

"Huh?-Oh shit!" you say as you realize what he has seen, you are only wearing a t-shirt, nothing under it so your ass is on full display. "I'm so sorry!" you say trying to cover up my stretching your t-shirt down

"Y-your fine" swiss says as he peaks through his fingers, "you left this in my room" he says as he gives you your book about ghouls back, "I was just returning it."

"Oh thank you" you say as you grab it

"that has some interesting topics in it" swiss says with a smirk. you just slam the door is his dumb, smug face.

"what was that about?" dew questions groggily. 

"O-oh nothing" you state as you release your shirt and walk over to your deskside table. open the drawer, and quickly slide the book in. 

"oh is that your porn book?" dew says as he perks up from the bed.

"N-no" you pathetically defend

"Yea" dew says rolling his eyes "i'm sure"

you just sigh and move on to go take a shower, no matter how much dew's licking "cleaned" you, you still felt dirty. you hop into the scalding water and feel your muscles relax. 


you get out of the shower and dry off. you do your skin care and hair care. 

you open he door and shiver at the cool air of your room, the towel that is wrapped around you is doing nothing t protect you from the cool air. 

you exit the safe haven of your bathroom and enter the crisp air of your cold ass room.

and what do you know? you look over to your bed and dew is sitting there reading your book!

"hey!" you say and walk over "I thought I old you not to touch that!" you say grabbing your book form the fire ghoul's grasp.

"hey! give it!" he says grabbing for the book "I was reading that!" he whines

"but I told you not to!" and its my book!" you say clutching it to your chest.

"i don' care if you told me not to!" dew whines "your not my mother" he states, grabbing for the book

"Well I don't give a fuck" you say matter-of-factly. you put the book back in he drawer and walk over to your closet

you drop your towel and grab a set of  purple lace panties and bra. you also grab some low waist black jeans and a crop-top, you also grab your black Converse.

you put it all on and go to the bathroom to put some simple makeup on. you come back out, "I still have work to do in the library, are you coming or not?"

"Fine" dew complains and follows

You two make it to the library and you start on your work. you organize some books, check some back in, and put them back in their place.

You also have to dust and vacuum the library. Witch takes forever.

Eventually you are done and it's night time, dew left for band practice a long time ago and you are ready for bed.

You walk up to your room and go to sleep.

***thank you all for the support, it means a lot<3
Word count: 624***

Welcome To The ClergyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora