Hard Work

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You start to organize the library, it was pretty fun to be honest. After that you move on to checking in all the books in the check in basket.

This took a while because all of the technology was new to you, you had to scan and look up the book and then mark it off, witch sounds simple but to you really wasn't.

Then you had to track down all of the overdue books. Catch the hooligans you know. Floor 1 was rooms 1-50, floor 2 was rooms 51-100 and floor 3 was rooms 101-111

You first go to room 27, this belonged to sister Jessica, she was a sweet girl but you couldn't let your bias take over you.

You confidently knocked and she opened "hi?" She said questioning your arrival.

"Hey sister Jessica! It looks like you have a book overdue, are you ready to turn it in?"

"Oh my goodness, yes. I'm so sorry I completely forgot!" She said scrambling to locate the book.

She came back to the door and handed you and older looking baking book. "Thank you so much!" You say cheerfully.

"Of course, have a great day y/n!"

"Byebye" you say waving as she closes the door.

You check her off the list and head out to find the next person on the list. You go to room 108 and knock, a very tall mountain opens the door and looks at you confused.

"Hey big guy! It looks like you have an overdue book, you ready to turn it in?" You say kindly

"Oh yea" mountain goes and gets, then brings it out. Its a pristine and crisp geology book, pretty typical for mountain.

You feel your tummy churn with butterflies as his large hand grases yours "T-thank you" you stutter as you take the book.

"No problem cutie" he says as he turns and closes the door.

'bye I guess' you think as you check his name off and move on.

After about and hour or two of retrieving books you decide that 40 some books should suffice for today. So you head back to the library.

As you are walking you trip, of course, and all 40 of the books go flying and sliding across the floor.

You internally cringe thinking about having to pick up all of the books on your own. And your bum hurts from taking the brunt of the fall.

"Woah, are you ok?!" Rain comes running over.

"Y-yea" you say clearly embarrassed

"Do you need help?" Rain says

"N-no I'm ok, thank you though"

"Nonsense" rain says as he picks up the books, "sorry for phrasing as a question, it wasn't" he says sarcastically.

"Thank you" you said quietly

"Of course, a pretty face like you shouldn't have to pick up 40 fucking books" he said and he kisses your hand.

You blush and thank him again before continuing your journey back to the library.

After you get done checking all of the books back in and putting them back where they belong you are exhausted.

You decide to call up a ghoul because you want to talk and chill.

The phone buzzes until he picks up "swiss can you hang? I'm so bored and tired."

"Sure, sweet cheeks. Come to my room"

"On my way asshole" you say as you hang up.

You make it to swiss's room. It smells of a mix of cool and warm. It doesn't make sense but you don't care enough to find out.

You two talk and gossip for a little bit until you inevitably run out of things to talk about. So you decide to watch a movie

That movie is antrum

You HATE antrum

It is so fucking scary to you because it is apparently cursed and it curses anyone who watches it.

There was like a movie theater that burned down after showing it and like 56 people died

Aka not your thing. you like scary movies, don't get you wrong, but cursed movies are where you draw the line.

Although you told swiss no, the asshole decided to play it anyways.

Basically it's about a young girl and boy entering a forest to dig a hole to Hell to save their dead dog's soul.

Hell to the fuck no

But you didn't want to leave because you enjoyed his company, so you just sucked it up.

Not to mention you are being protected by a ghoul, literally form hell, so what is the worst that could happen?

You watch it and almost shit your pants like 15 fucking times, although swiss's hand was rubbing your thigh the who've fucking time wich didn't help AT ALL.

And if that wasn't bad enough swiss decides to fuck with you more and play the movie the exorcist

You know the movie that 9 people died while filming, and  a fire destroyed large portions of the set, yea, that one.

What is it with swiss and cursed movies?!

You finish the movie and by that time your scared shitless, swiss is still rubbing your thigh, but of course he is going higher and higher up your thigh. Your pretty much done with horror movies for tonight.

But swiss isn't done with you yet.

***I want your guy's opinion, is there too much smut in this book? if there is I can totally tone it down! Word count: 882***

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