All About Ghouls

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You wake up at a bright and early 7:00am, well at least it was early for you.

You wander to your closet to get a pair of ripped jeans and a slipknot shirt. Then proceed to walk to the bathroom to get ready. Once you have changed and put on your makeup you go to your dresser.

You grab a pair of socks and lace up your high-top converse. Then you check on the cats

They are lazily sprawled out on your bed, snoring of course.

You wave a goodbye and leave. You set off towards the Commons in hopes to meet some sisters of sin or some ghouls.

Come to think of it your realized that you have never meet your neighbor. Witch is odd because you share a bathroom but nonetheless you will run into her sometime

You make it to the Commons and smell breakfast. Your tummy rumbles and you decide that you might as well catch breakfast.

You get in the line and have some smalltalk with other line dwellers. You grab some oatmeal, a blueberry muffin and a glass of milk. You set off in search of a seat or table.

You find a small bench and sit down. You are happily munching on the cinnamon oatmeal and blueberry muffin when Aether, dew's best friend, comes walking over.

"Are you the new sister of sin?" Aether asks

You were unaware of his presence and so this startled you. After you collect yourself you say "yes I am, why do you ask?"

" Oh so you are the one that got wrecked by dew" he says with a smirk

You turn red "what?"

"I knew it!" He says triumphantly

"I-what?" You question again

"Well I just won $20, and I can win 20 more if you come to my room." He says with a smirk.

"What the fuck?!"

" I'm just joking, unless you want to" he says as he winks.

"Hmm" your pretend to ponder "maybe later" you say confidently and stroll off with a muffin in one hand.

You decide that you should talk to papa, you really don't want to seem like a whore because you are trying to fuck everyone in the clergy.

You get to papa's grand room and give his door a knock.

A groggy papa answers. "Good morning darling, what can I do for you?"

"Well papa, I would just like to talk to you about something" you say

" Oh yes, come in" papa says as he opens the door wider and waves you in.

The room is beautiful, it has a fireplace, a king sized bed, and a desk. The carpet is a deep blood red and fluffy.  the bed has some thick red blankets too. It looks warm.

It smells like fall and there are some band posters on the wall. There is a candle lit on his bedside table next to a book.

You sit down on one of the roller chairs and start to talk, " well I would just like to know about the ghouls, I mean they seem nice, and some have invited me back to their rooms for some ✨ activities ✨ but I turned them down because you told me to not go down there."

"Oh" papa says "I must have explained it wrong, they have their nests/heat grounds there, so you should never go down their unless you are their mate. They have normal rooms up here that you can enter, with their approval of course."

"Oh ok, but what about their constant hornyness?" You ask

"Oh well in hell, where they come frome, sex is not a huge deal to them, it's really the norm and not very shameful. They are also naturally poly so they will date and mate multiple people or ghouls, they also are very keen on having open relationships."

"Ok, so sex isn't a big deal, so we can basically do what we want?" You are full of questions

"Precisely" papa states.

" Ok thank you papa" you smile and get up.

"Of course y/n" he says and waves goodbye as you leave

You head back down to the Commons and decide to chat around.
You meet a shy ghoul named mountain. He talks about how he plays the drums for the band, of course you already know that.

You talk about how you were at their most recent concert. " Oh I remember you." Mountain says " you were the one that got all the ghoul's tails in a knot."

"Huh?" You question

" Oh, all of the ghouls were, and still are from what I know, hung up on you." He says

You laugh thinking it's a joke. "What are you laughing about hun?" Tilts his head. " That's a funny joke" you say

"You'll see for yourself" mountain states as he wanders away.

You are confused and bored, you are not the social type and trying to start conversations with people and ghouls tends to wear you out.

So you decide to go to the library. You get there and an oh sweet Satan it huge. Walls open walls of books, not to mention there are 2 levels.

It was a bit overwhelming at first but you soon calmed down. You are just wandering throughout the library whan a certain section catches your eye.

It is a section about ghouls, it is fairly small, at most 20-25 books. You scan through some untill you find a thicker one "all about ghouls" the title reads. You snatch it and rush to the front desk.

You promptly check it out and walk back to the Commons.

You find a cozy chair and plop down. You open the book and start reading. You feel the couch/chair adjust.

You didn't think much of it until you flipped the page and felt someone, or something, breathing on your neck.

You snapped your head to the side for your head to collide with swiss.

"What the fuck!?" You scream.

"You know that book is only half right." Swiss states nonchalantly acting as if he wasn't just creepily peering over your shoulder and reading the book.

"Holy hell, what is wrong with you?" You say still startled "also what do you mean?"

"I said the book is wrong" swiss stated.

"How so?"

"Well first of all most of us aren't dangerous, unless under certain circumstances. And on top of that the ghouls the clergy summons are just to play the instruments, well and do some other things." He says with a giggle and a wink.

"Ok, but tell me about ghouls, give me the run down."

So swiss does, " well first of all we have this thing called glamor, it is basically a disguise so that people outside don't call the christians on us." He laughs "here I will show you."

He closes his eyes and loses his glamour. He turns an ashy gray. His nails grow a bit and there are medium sized horns that grow out at the top of his head.

You stare mesmerized at the sight."Wow..." You say speechless. There is a thin black tail they rises in the air, it is smooth and the end has a semi-sharp spade.

" So why yo you wear masks?"

"Well to ghouls, our faces are somewhat private. A ghoul would probably fuck you before you even get a glimpse of their face." He laughs

"Why are your faces so private?" You question.

"Well I guess it's just like that, why is sex so private to humans?"

"I guess I don't know"

"Exactly, it's just like that, we don't know why our faces are private, they just are."

"Oh that makes more sense." You say as he puts his glamour back on.

"Well hon, I do have to go, but it was a pleasure talking to you" swiss says with a smile as he gets up.

"Ok, see you around" you say and wave as he walks away.

"Talking to swiss I see?"

Oh no, it's dew

*** Thanks to all who is reading, but I'm wondering, is there any suggestions or things I can do better? I am a complete beginner at writing and I want to get better :)
Word count: 1337***

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