Who's Number?

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You get home and are completely and utterly exhausted.

I mean you did just scream and jam-out for like 3-4 hours. But your throat hurts like hell and you have a bummer headache.

You go into your bathroom, open the cabinet and pop 2 Tylenol pills. You decide your gonna take a long bath and start to fill the tub.

After that shit is steaming you turn on some music, specifically ghost, iron maiden, rammstein and slipknot.

You slide into the boiling bath and joke to yourself that you might be a fire ghoul with how hot you like your baths, you giggle to yourself and grab a black and purple bath bomb.

Your black cat, lyra, comes running up and perches herself on the counter.

"Oh hello lyra, whatcha doing hon?" You ask in a loving voice.

Lyra meows and purrs as you set a dry hand on her head and trail it down her back to her tail.

" How is my sweet baby doing?"

She kindly mewls and rubs her face on your hand and arm. Then, hearing her food Despenser go of, quickly skitters to the kitchen to eat.

You decide to scroll on your phone, specifically TikTok. Now there are tons of edits and videos of you pretending to suck dick Infront of papa and him blushing.

You continue to scroll and see some edits and videos of  you playing along with dew during mummy dust.

'what the fuck?!' you think ' since when was I so popular, and why is everyone shipping me with them, they are basically celebrities and I'm practically irrelevant!!' you are so confused.

You keep scrolling and giggle at all the videos of you and them and comments like, -i wish I was her- and -they are so hot together - makes you blush.

You eventually get out of the tub once it has gone cold and get in your pj's.

You pick up your outfit from the concert and just as you are about to throw it in the hamper you see a white piece of paper sticking out.

'what is this?' you think, and as you pull it out and read it and it just confuses you. -text me at 433-299-6783 ( your daddy)- 'what?' then eventually it hits you...this is papa's number. PAPA'S NUMBER!!!!

You quickly type in the number and text it.


No response. You crawl into your bed and get comfortable. You sit and wait for a while.

Papa is typing...

*** Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger but I just have to :)
Also just saying  ( - ) means like a text or comment and ( ' ) means your thoughts, sorry if that was unclear
Word count: 418 ***

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