Invitation, Me? No Way!

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Papa is typing...

'Sweet Satan!!! This is crazy'


'oh my balls what do I say?!'

-why did you give me your number?

'that should work'

- hmm let's see, why did I give you my number. Oh right, I would like to formally invite you to the clergy. We would love it if you were a sister of sin.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You screamed. 'oh shit that was loud, hopefully I don't get kicked out.' You think while Crossing your fingers, closing your eyes and scrunching up your nose.

'but really, I thought the whole satanic pope and literal demons/ghouls was just made up. Like lore to make the band more interesting.' you were pretty confused.

-I would love to, but I have 2 cats and I'm not too keen on parting with them.

You sent the text praying that he wouldn't take back the offer because of lyra and lynch. You loved them so much and really didn't want to leave them behind.

-no problem sweetheart, you can keep them in your room.

There was surge of relief that washed over you.

-when would I leave?

You ask trying to plan a flight or bus trip.

- preferably now. If you give me your address I will send one of our ghouls to pick you up and take you and your feline friends to your new home.

- sounds perfect papa, I live in the apartments on 226 ave. 19447

-great, I will send him your way

You rush to start packing, you grab all of your essentials first then move on to the less relevant things that you still need.

Once you are completely done you put your cats in their carriers and set off to the front office to inform them that you are moving out and you would like next year's rent back.

After you turn everything in and are finally done with all the paperwork crap you decide to say hi to lyra and lynch.

Then you get a text saying that the ghoul is here to pick you up. So you grab all of your luggage and head out the doors. You flip your hair as a final fuck you to the hellhole that you were living in.

You open the trunk and put your suitcase and backpack in, then put your kitties in the backseat while buckling the carriers in. Then you make your way back to the passenger side door, open it and lazily slide inside.

You turn your head to the driver to be met with a not so friendly dewdrop starring back at you. A shiver runs down your spine from his burning stare.

You can feel the heat being radiated off him in the cold night and suddenly regret the joke you made to yourself about being a fire ghoul.

You give him a semi-sincer smile and he gives you a quick smirk and his eyes click back to the road as he finally decides to start driving.

Your eyes wander over him. Just looking, not staring, just absent mindedly looking him up and down.

"Don't you know that staring is rude?" He says

This startled you and you jump. "Chill out, I don't bite unless you ask me to" he says and smirks

Your face turns red and you get warm. "be quiet" you say rolling your eyes.

"If I were you I wouldn't be talking, your quite a tease." He states

"I am not" you defend.

"Are you, I saw the way you stuffed the mummy dust in your tits." He says

You go silent. You finally come back with " don't pretend you didn't like it" you say accusingly.

"Never said I didn't" dew says while his hand drifts to your thigh. " But it usually isn't a good thing when I like stuff" he says as his grip tightens on your upper thigh.

Your pussy throbs in response. "What do you mean?"

"Stop playing games y/n" the hissed " you know what."

Your hand crawls to his thigh and his eyes dart to you.  You smirk " please tell me, I really don't know"

"Listen y/n" dew snarls " I will pull over this car, bend you over the seat and fuck you like an animal. And that will not be fun for you. Do you understand me?"

You just smirk and take your hand off of his thigh.

*** Word count: 731***

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