"I-i don't know. I'm comfy here. I can watch y'all swim"I replied softly

'No I'm not! I don't want to watch y'all swim,I want to swim!!'

He looked like he was contemplating his next words.

"If you say so.."he smiled about to swim towards the others.

'no..I don't say so!'

My mind was screaming at me to voice out my heart but I just can't.

"M-mark"I stuttered calling out to him.

"Yeah?"he turned towards me.

'I do want to swim but I feel so insecure and like I will ruin you guys fun if I step in'

That's what my heart really wants to say but I find myself saying this instead.

"Thank you for coming to look for me earlier"I smiled at him. He returned my smile and nodded swimming off.

"Sure you don't want to take a dip?"

"Arghhh.."I screamed in fright when Damon popped up from underneath the water in front of me.

"What the hell,you scared me!"I held my chest staring at him like he was a demon.

"You should start wearing skirt if you're that easily scared"he tisked rolling his eyes at me.

I folded my arms glaring at him " If you came here to taunt me then you can leave"

He popped his arm on the rock and leaned in" I came to make you swim" he grinned.

"What?"I asked confused.

" Well I watched your interaction with Mark and poor Mark he couldn't get you to swim,so I came to make the impossible, possible"He replied smuggily.

" And what makes you think that you would be able to make me swim?"I raised a brow at him.

" Is that a challenge I hear?"he grinned.

"No its... WHAT ARE YOU----"

Before I could complete my words,he pulled me down into the water.

My head popped up as I gasped for breath. I wiped the water off my face glaring at him as he chuckled.

The others were hailing him as he bowed dramatically at them.

He swam closer to me, raising a brow.

"So... how does that feel?"he asked smirking.

If I were to answer him with honesty,I would say amazing. The water felt soothing to my skin. I actually feel glad that he pulled me in though I definitely won't say that to his big ego.

"Hmm...it would do"I shrugged swimming towards the other part of the lake.

"Lan over here!" Pearl called out to me with a huge smile on her face. She was between Luke and Jacob. I swam towards her.

"This lame ass here says I can't dance on water"She pointed at Luke with a ridiculous look on her face.

" Please tell him how great I am" she tipped her chin up smirking.

"Well.. Luke, Pearl is actually an amazing dancer. She can dance on water" I supported her sounding stupid myself.

Luke chuckled "Yeah right" he scoffed in disbelief.

"Fine I will show you" Pearl replied.

Here she goes again.

Luke had already gathered everyone around her. They all leaned on the rock wall of the lake eyes on her.

On My Bed (B×B)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now