chapter eleven

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Mirabel pov

          I woke up feeling happy. It was just a feeling I couldn't shake off maybe it was because I had the most wonderful birthday in my life. I was happy how it all turned out there we enough food almost everyone I invited came. It was comforting seeing everyone relaxing from a stressful day. Boss and manger couldn't make it. I knew she wouldn't come but I had a little hope maybe she'll surprise me and come over but it was all good I understand.

            It was one of the best birthday I have had in somany years. The last time I had a big birthday party was when I was ten years and it was mum that made the cake. A vanilla home made cake with a butter icing top. Mum always make sure she celebrate our birthdays either in a big or small way. Some times it was mostly family dinner now she is no more to celebrate many more birthdays with us and that is life you never know when you'll leave. Death doesn't make an announcement before it takes you that's the most saddest part about it. I wish there was way it will inform the person before taking the person life so the person can say it final goodbyes to it love ones.

        I was happy again for the thought that haddiyah had a best night. I observed her All through the night. She really did enjoy herself though she was alone she didn't socialize with people around her. In as far as she enjoyed her night I'm okay with that. Damn! She ate alot of food. She tested all the foods served both meals and dessert and then i lost her and I didn't know were she went to but I guess she 's okay and she doesn't have a phone I could reach her with.

        I was still on my bed thinking about all of these. I don't know if I would be able to make it to work. My head still aches from the party. I slept late yesterday after the party we had to do a little cleaning before we go for bed to make today's cleaning easier.

      I don't think I'll be able to make it to work today. I don't think it'll be safe not going to work I don't want the manager to get upset with me for missing today though I'm a punctual Human being and I hardly take days off without letting him know first. I'm sure he'll be considerate because yesterday I had a party but that doesn't affect him. O lord! I'll have to take something for this massive head ache I have I know I'll probably go back to sleep after taking it.

          So I checked my little box where I put drugs for emergency like this and I took two pills I know this seems like a self medication but I don't need a doctor or pharmacist to tell me how many pills I'll have to take for drug that's meant for head ache. I don't overdose drugs I don't want my head to be messed up like other people I see who are already into taking of hard drugs and all. They all started little but became an addict now after taking the pills amma go back to bed and sleep back maybe by the time I'll be awake again I'll be feeling relieved from the pains and to be honest I still feel sleepy a bit so let me take this opportunity to sleep back it won't be more than hour.

        Oh my God I woke up stretching my body like a cat. That stretch just does something to me. it feels like unknotting the tied muscles of mine. I checked the tied and I could have sworn it was just for 39 minutes I slept. How did the time go so fast like this? Are we in those months whereby the day time is shorter and the night is long. It's already evening I can remember waking up I'm the morning and getting taking a drug to calm the aching head ache I had. When did the time pass? Or I'm I dreaming? nobody woke me up for lunch too.

        I groggily took my big body of the bed I made my bed lazily, I looked at myself in front of the mirror I sure do look horrible if I go out like this I'll surely scare people thinking I'm insane. I moved from the mirror to the bathroom to clean myself up before leaving my room for dinner.

     After doing my business in the bathroom I feel refreshed and relieved of the stress, I dressed up and took my phone to check for any missed call or any message yup no message,call, or notification now I think I'm not important so no one could call me after the birthday? Anyways let me put that aside and go and fill my stomach with food right now I can hear my stomach singing to me it's time and I'm not going to waste any more time.

      " Mimi you slept like a log of wood today" Anita said. My junior sister doesn't have filter in her mouth and she needs to filter what she says obviously my family members found it funny and started laughing. Come on it's not even funny! " Nita you need to control that tongue of your's or I'm going to help in controlling it" I warned her. I went to the kitchen to help my aunt out not like she needed any helping she was done with all the cooking so I just took the food to table for dinner. We all say down since my dad died nobody sits in the head of the table. I think it's an act of respect to dad but anytime I see the empty chair I feel sad.

       My aunt led the prayer after praying we said our amens and began eating. We served each other everybody serving to their fill. I filled my plate pasta and cheese I loved the combo. No matter how it'll be cooked I'll always love the food.

     " How do you feel now you rested for about a whole day. I was beginning to get worried when you won't wake up " my aunt said passing the orange juice to me. " My head was aching so I decided to take a nap obviously it wasn't just a nap for the time I slept honestly I had no idea I was going to sleep like that but I'm good I feel refreshed now and thank you" and we kept conversing till we finished our food. The twins and I washed the dishes while my aunties cleared the table. When we done with our chores they were sitting in the living room watching TV and having a little discussion but I wasn't in the mood for that and decided to go to my room.

       I sat upright on my bed thinking about nothing in specific. Then I heard a notification from my finally! Someone remembers that I'm living. It was directly from my boss now I'm curious why would she be sending me a message by this time of the night? Was it because I took a day off without anyone's permission? But even if I missed a day off the boss won't directly send me a message it'll be the boss only one way to know is to check and see the content of the message.

     Yeessssss! Finally I'm so happy now I stood and did a mini dance. It wasn't a long message just short but meant a lot to me. Finally haddiyah will go to school like her other peers. She won't be bullied for not going to school I was so happy for her. I thank God he didn't forget her I'm sure when I spill the news to her tommorow she will be mad and happy mad that I didn't inform her and happy that she was finally going to school my only wish is that she accepts the offer that girl is full of surprises. If she decline it I won't be surprised she's just unpredictable and that's what makes her unique and different.

    That night I after praying I closed my eyes satisfied and thankful to God for the message indeed God never neglects. I'm going to have a peaceful and sweet dream. I can't wait for tommorow to see her reaction. I'm sure she came for work today and won't see me and she didn't check on me for my well being that's by force he way let me not stress my self over that.

Hope I didn't keep you guys waiting I know this isn't the pov you all want to read but we have to be patient don't we 😏

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