chapter nine

21 7 1

Mirabel pov

       Ever since I met haddiyah I knew she was a strong girl. You could see the love and care she has for her loved ones. I am older than her but she acts like the older one between us. It's not like I'm childish but I tend to not take life so serious after all if we don't live it well we will die not living it but I do understand her situation she started taking responsibilities at a very young age and she has to be mentally and physically strong to do that . When you want so much from this world you do everything possible to get it even if it's comes with you loosing your smiles and people around you. I knew this by observing her. I knew she wanted to be taken care of, to be treated like a teenager she is, and do what other teenagers do  but she sacrificed all that for late little sister.

     She struggles everyday and that's why I try every possible Time to always lighten her up it's not like I'm comedian but I see her like my little sister and I don't like seeing my family members sad.

  I didn't tell her because I know she will reject the idea immediately but  I have been saving up for her to go to school. I Know it won't be much because I also have other bills too but at the same time I had aunts and uncles helping us out but she doesn't have anyone but her. so I'm trying my best to give her the little I can save up it won't be much but atleast I tried.

       I'm thinking on telling the boss because it's like she has a soft spot for her. She looks over her like her own child. Her gaze is always softened when she looks at her. I do see the pities in her eyes for her and I'm sure when I tell her about my plans she'd like to contribute. I want to see her around people her age, think like teens, worry about things teens worry about. I know I won't be able to do much but the little I can I'll do that and we can even raise a fund for her. She might think people don't really care about her but we all see her hard work.

       I didn't go to work yesterday because I was feeling a bit feverish so I decided to stay at home and rest. She came for a visit but didn't stay long and told me when I come for work today she'll tell me something and I'm eager to hear what it's all about. I would have pressurized her to tell me yesterday but I noticed she isn't comfortable in my house or anywhere Else only in her home and I didn't want to make her more uncomfortable so I said I'll wait till today and as usual I'm always punctual to work. It's just a habit I can't stop and I don't plan on doing so.

     " As late as usual madame" I said trying to form an accent. She's always cranky in the morning though not a morning person I see though I'm used to her attitudes. I think her attitude makes her haddiyah. Haddiyah can't be haddiyah without her attitude.

        " My head aches" she said rubbish her forehead. " Where did you go to last night " I wiggled my brows in a funny way. Her expression was that of someone who was bored with my antics she ignored me as usual. " Do you have paracetamol in your bag I really need that" without my permission she took my bag while searching for it. She didn't even wait for my reply. It's not like I had it but let her do her wish. " You Don't have it?" she looked at me pointedly. " I never said I had it " I laughed out loud. I know I'm not supposed to be laughing but I couldn't help it.

  " Are you better now?" I touched her forehead " hey get your dirty hands away from me" she gave me a dirty look.    " That's a yes from you I guess you're better now and my hands aren't dirty by the way they are more clean than yours" and I waved her off .
     " So are you going to tell me what you intend on telling me. I've been patiently waiting for you and my patience is fading" she stood up right adjusting her hijab " beg me first" she said with a smirk plastered on her face. For gossip I had to bring my self low but I'll do anytime and I begged " so? " She began telling me everything that happened yesterday. I was proud of her. She did a very good job by putting her in her place. Just because we work here doesn't mean we are nothing me might not have all the riches but we have a heart and not a cold hearted one. I fist bump with her for doing the right thing. I only missed a day and a show happened without me what a loss.

     She spoke about the boss with respect.

     It was already evening and we were preparing to leave.we went to the locker room to get our bags. It was so quiet all of sudden she turned " Hey mind taking a stroll with me home" she asked and I was surprised it's the first time she has asked me personally to follow her home. All the times I've gone to her house I go on my own will but this is a first and I'm happy unfortunately I will have to decline her offer today I need to see the boss. " Diyah maybe some other time I've got something to do and it's urgent" her face fell I knew she was expecting me to say yes. I always say yes but unfortunately she asked at a wrong time. " Ummm sorry maybe some other sorry if I seem to bother you. alright bye see you tomorrow" I was feeling guilty now but I couldn't go " see you too and tommorow is weekend. It's off day for us " I shouted cheerful to make her smile and she didn't. I patted her back as we path ways.

      "Good evening sir " I greeted the manager. " Sir I would like to see the boss it's urgent" he looked at me skeptically deciding on informing the boss or not. " Please sir it's urgent and I'm not going to beg her for a raise. It's something different" I said once more trying to convince him. " Alright I'll let her know but you have to wait. She's busy and would need time to clear her schedule. i just just hope you aren't here for something petty" he said raising his brows.

     I sat down my bag on my thighs, my elbows resting on the bag, my hands holding my head like it was something heavy. I was getting impatient. I hope he hasn't forgotten that he kept me waiting. I'll be mad if I find out he did not Inform her.

      " You can go in now" he said. I was so tired that I had to take a little nap in an uncomfortable position. I try twisting my neck in different positions to relax the muscles there. I stood up and tried to straighten hair keyword TRIED and I gave up it was a Tangled mess. I was at the door I knocked and was told to come in.

        "Good evening and what might be so urgent that you need to stop my work halfway" her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. Her stares intimidating but I won't be intimated. I knew she has a soft spot for her and if I bring her up she would soften her features afterwards.

       " Ma'am I want to request something from you. I'm trying to raise funds for haddiyah to go to school although she doesn't know about it. I haven't told any one about it yet because I have no one to ask. I also have other things I have to do with the money I have. I split the money into two one half for me and the other half for her. I know I haven't known her for long but I see a spark in her, I see that light and she's smart. She has been taking care of herself since childhood. I know she also wants to go to school but can't afford it and that's why I want to help her and if you could come to her aid too I'll appreciate that ma".

        She took a heavy breathe in and out. Using the pen on her desk to make some kind of beat involuntary. " My dear may God bless you that's so thoughtful of you. She's lucky to have you as a friend you are one in a million" I blushed and turn my face to another direction. " I had that thought too. Come to think of it she's sure young and her age mates are in school hmmmmmm you can go I've heard you. I will get back to you on the situation be sure to get a positive answer from me" I smiled so brightly happy that atleast someone was willing to help her out . We need people like her in this community and so I took my leave after thanking her.

       I wanted to go to her house to check on her but decided against it. I have to rest and it was late. The nights isn't safe. I was so happy that the lady in the cab beside me asked why I had a broad smile on but I told her I was just happy. I don't have to go into details to a total stranger.

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