chapter thirty three

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Maryam pov

        " Hey get your dirty feet out of here!" I screamed this men were like children. Oh my God I'm tired. I never knew I'll be dealing with children in men flesh. They were trouble always fighting, getting injured and eating like hippo's. I'm not the only one that cook but I'm the main chef here and I also do emergency first aid for the boys. I'm like there mother here even if what they do here is bad I'll still be grateful for them in accepting me and giving me a place to stay and also a source of income. They pay me well and also respect me they dare not raise their voice on me no matter how big they are I'll also raise my hands on them and if anyone tries to bully me the rest will stand up for me. I feel loved here but my main aim is not to stay here forever. I want to look for my daughter but I still have to stay a little so when I ask for a huge favour from them, from Josh I just hope and pray he won't hesitate to do it for me though he isn't the main boss but he is in charge here.

          " Ma'am we are done preparing the soup and porridge" one of the cook informed me. I didn't join them in cooking this evening I was very tired. It's like all the stress from ayaan place is catching up on me. I need to take a day or two days off. I know that won't be possible because these men are nuisance. They would cause trouble or complain of the food and end up punishing the maids serving or they'll get into a fight and I'll have to clean the wounds for them. I can never get rest from these men here. They are babies.

       " Let anne do the serving I'm tired but I'll come and supervise alright"

      " Yes ma'am"

      When I left ayaan place. I ran into the forest and was caught by men who were guarding the place I ran into without thinking. When they caught me I was so scared for my life. i thought it will be the end of me probably they'll kill me or put me in one of the cells thinking I have a bad intention or so.

              When I was put behind bars in a stinky cell the bars were rusting, the place smelled of urine, sweat and overall it smelled like a sewage but that was the least of my concern all I wanted was to leave this place. When one of the men that captured me came to meet me. His face softened as he saw I was just an elderly woman looking malnourished and in a very bad shape. He just looked at me and went back to his post. I didn't know when I lost consciousness in the cell but woke up to see that I was in a bed with wires and a man with a scrub. I didn't know who he was but guessed he was a doctor. I saw a young man a black suit talking to him. I couldn't hear them well but they were whispering to each other and when they noticed I was awake they stopped talking and the doctor came to attend to me.

         He was so nice that I didn't believe he worked with this kind of people but maybe it was his source of income and would do anything just like I did and got my self into a mess. When he was done checking my vitals and said all I needed was to rest for a week and eat and I'll get myself.

         The doctor left me with the young man. I didn't have any strength to defend myself even if he was going to cause me harm. I was defenseless.

        " How did you end up like this" he said his voice was gentle and I was surprised for someone with a stoic face he sure does knows how to talk gently without sounding scary. He had a scar on the right side of his face starting from his forehead to the jaw. He must have gotten into a serious fight to have that scar. The scar made him look more scary but I didn't see that. I saw a young man who life has not only scar him physically but mentally.

         " I escaped from a ruthless man " I said and didn't say anything more than that. My throat was dry so he handed me a bottle of water and opened it for me to drink. I drank the whole bottle of water and dropped the empty bottle on the floor.

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