chapter two

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Haddiyah pov

I woke up startled by the little hands I felt on my hair. I turned my face to see my sister OMG my back hurts turns out I slept like this and not in a comfortable position. Not gonna lie I got the best sleep ever I guess when you cry yourself to sleep you get the best sleep but I don't like this method because now I'm suffering from the position I slept and well I need a hot bath to stretch my muscles " Didi I was scwared you left me " Habiba said of course I'm just noticing her teary eyes does she thinks I'll ever leave her awwwwn my poor baby maybe, I should get a book on good parenting since she doesn't have a father figure oh yes I could actually act as the father figure also " Bibi I'll never leave I'll always be with you till whenever " I said holding her face gently she needs to get it into her skull I'm going to stick with her till my last breath I held her tiny hands " okay follow me so we can clean you up and get you ready for school and also prepare breakfast are you okay with that? " Yeeeeeeeesssss Didi" she screamed happily and that's my baby. Where's ummi I thought then I checked the time on the wall clock it was already morning and ummi is not back not like I care but she's still my mother no matter what okay I won't get my self worried this morning I already have enough on my plate and she's an adult right?

" The snake is in the grass the snake is the grass sssssss the snake is in the grass" habiba kept on singing more like trying to block my ears. I hope she doesn't thinks of entering the music industry in the future because I'm sure not going to support her who would want to support a whacky voice? oh no don't get me wrong I'll support her life decisions but music nahhh She'll have to choose another career. she's still a kid so I shouldn't judge so soon right? " bibiiiii it's okay do you want to make me deaf before my old age" " but I'm singing what my teacher taught me I want to make you pword aren't you pword of me " she said in her little voice with big cute eyes " I'll forever be proud of you my baby so finish your cereal so we can get going let me go and clean myself okay? " Yes ma" she said
I had dropped habiba off to school when I saw a group of guys on my way to work they were six in numbers and the road was quiet my heart was thumping in my ribcage if I don't calm down I might have a heart attack okay maybe I'm over exaggerating it's just that I'm not really good with the opposite gender probably it's because I don't have a male figure in my life and not planning on having one for now " pretty gurl why don't you come over here and have some fun with us " one said I'm sure they are drunkards I didnt even turn my face towards them I kept on counting the stones and pebbles on my way how I wish I could fly.
I thought I was hallucinating when I saw a hand tapped my shoulder my flight or fight mode instincts activated and I'm sure not going to fight them I don't plan on dieing a painful death so I decided to run.

I was breathing heavily by the time I sighted my work place i placed my hands on my chest trying to get myself I don't want to look like someone who was chased by mad dogs though I wasn't chased but I wasn't going to stand there listening to whatever they have to say to me but I think none of them chased me probably because they were drunk enough to not get there feet. I slowly walked to the door trying to get myself while my heart was beating fast from the marathon I did not plan oh my God my feet hurts, and my throat is dry sighting a coworker I composed myself " good morning diyah " " good morning " I got greetings from people I know and don't but I responded back that's a good habit right? So I dropped my bag in the locker in the store room and went to were I was stationed to stay. I turned around looking for a particular cheerful bird was she sick? Is she on a leave? Okay it's still morning maybe she's late but she's always early to work I'll have to wait before I come to conclusions

I'm so bored and hungry I have two problems and no solution to any of them if Mirabel was here right now she would have solved one even though I'll be annoyed as hell . I got up from the chair because I was beginning to develop cramps from for too long and decided to walk around. " hey " I got startled " hey " I responded what was his name again I don't even know my co-workers names " ummm haddiyah Mirabel wasn't able to make it today because she lost her dad yesterday" I was shocked " when was this? how did it happen? Where is she? Hope she's good? " I was just asking questions without breathing space and he stood there uncomfortably scratching his head does he have lice? I ignored it I repeated the questions maybe he didn't hear what I said earlier " her dad committed suicide she wanted you to know but you weren't in the mood yesterday she told me I should inform you she won't be around the whole week " my eyes were wide open suddenly I was overwhelmed with guilt for not giving her a listening ear I need to tame my attitude I feel like it's getting worser everyday " hey wait what's your name " i almost missed him " my name is Benjamin but you can call me ben for short " " alright ben do you live close to her house or are you a related" I said trying to adjust my hijab " we are actually neighbours" I looked at him deciding if I should go with him after the shifts but I have to pick habiba after school maybe Weekend I could visit her so, I bade him good bye before turning my back.

I said my salam( greetings ) before entering the house yet no response I was confused ummi is supposed to be home by this time it's past asr prayer (mid day prayer) I checked the time on the wall clock it was 7 minutes to five. I attended to habiba first before deciding on what to do on my mother's whereabouts if this is a prank or something she should definitely not try that with me. I'll always care for her even if we don't see eye to eye she's still my mother believe it or not that affection is still there in my heart I'm not cold hearted as she thinks. I helped habiba with her assignments when we were done she said she was tired and wanted to take a nap and seeing looking stressed I decided to allow her Even though it's not a good idea because if she wakes up in the night she won't go back to bed till past midnight and I'm not ready for that.

It's already late and ummi is nowhere to be seen I opened my palm and did a silent prayer for my mum I prayed for her safety after all she birthed me.
I slept off on the couch tired obviously for a fourteen years old girl I'm definitely strong enough for all these drama in my life hmmmmmm Allah knows best then it clicked in my brain ohhhhhh my God HABIBA I got off from the couch quickly Making my way to the bedroom I'm not prepared for sleepless nights and a day of being cranky I opened the the door with a bang and she didn't move a finger she must be really tired maybe I should just leave her so I silently went back to the sitting room.

The silence in the house is earily I don't have a cellphone, I don't have the cash for it and all my money goes to food and habiba she needs it more than I do and that is understandable.

Maybe I should call the police okay haddiyah you got this probably she staying at a friend's place I should calm down and leave everything to Allah.

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